• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Kaldo@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneTennoCon 2023 Megathread
    10 months ago

    Ohh, so when Rebb at first said that to develop warframe they had to go really back and find the fundamentals and why people love the game and what it is actually good in it… she meant Dark Sector? 😁 That also explains why Steve (jokingly) wanted to go back and develop that.

    The only thing that doesn’t fit that theory is that the guy there is called Arthur and not Hayden (also no glaive) and that Dr. Entrati is an actual person there who’s not an orokin which makes it sound more like some parallel universe shit going on?? Ahhhhh

  • Kaldo@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneTennoCon 2023 Megathread
    10 months ago

    I have no idea but I think it’s safe to assume that us finding Wally in Abyss of Dagath is going to have very unforeseen consequences? And what was all that with the sleeper, with OG Loid and transferenceing into something big? I am so confused, and yet I want it all asap, really wish they went into at least a bit more detail ahhh

    Like is this just another kahl’s garrison type of mission or what?

  • Took the words out of my mouth, I was gonna say a proper wizard / sorceress frame 😁 Slow, methodical but big ability effects, mana shield, an interesting energy mechanic, powerful CC abilities… doesn’t even need to have elemental switching since they can do so much with basic mage archetype, whether it’s syndra from lol, gul’dan from HOTS, sorceress from d2-3-4 or a typical CRPG wizard with summons and fireballs.

    Also bonus points if it has a trenchcoat and a gun for a Harry Dresden crossover event.

  • Kaldo@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe:Mag
    11 months ago

    Maybe it’s just the build but I could never find a proper way to play Mag. Her polarize is great but it’s kinda boring to base your entire survival (in high lvl missions) on spamming one ability and abuse shield gate. Her pull and crush are kinda meh, especially with so many eximus units recently, and magnetize can be good but it’s also kinda janky and slow - it would often appear elsewhere rather than on my target, it doesn’t pull everyone always inside, can be annoying for teammates trying to land headshots and you need specific weapons that synergize with it.

    But it’s such a thematically cool warframe, the closest one that comes to the fantasy telekinesis mage archetype that just throws enemies around! Just feels really outdated by now IMHO.

  • Oh yeah the “doors” teaser - I thought it was about specific corpus doors but later they continued the theme with other doors, like the one to the quill enclave on cetus, so it’s hard to say what it is teasing. Could have something to do with Wally since, after all - we use doors to go through walls, right? :D

    I’m very afraid of how they handle Wally to be honest, the issue with paranormal/supernatural/eldritch media is that it kinda loses all its appeal once the author tries to actually explain it. I really hope he doesn’t ever become a boss we fight, for example - it would kinda ruin the whole thing for me I think. But I do want more stories, I just don’t want to wait years between them. The second dream was in 2015 and war within in 2016! And then we had chains of harrow and the amazing sacrifice by middle of 2018. New war and duviri really took a lot out of them ever since.

  • Uhh, tbh I haven’t even tried any of the existing ones due to lack of free time, high resource costs and inability to decide which one to upgrade :D

    Maybe Cernos, especially if it also applies to faction variants like the Proboscis. I’m a bit surprised Lex adapter doesn’t work on Aklex too, they are basically the same old fashioned weapons. Akstilletos were always satisfying to use, they could use an adapter to bring them up to current power creep levels as well.

  • Kaldo@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe:Volt
    11 months ago

    It’d be really cool if they added this effect in new tilesets but for all warframes - do enough random aoe damage to nearby components and it dims the lights for a while, so it’s not all that work just for one volt. It really adds a lot to atmosphere and overall feeling of destruction!