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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023

  • the single biggest pet peeve that i have is when somebody says something like “X is good for you in Y situations under Z conditions” and then everybody immediately goes “X is good for you, do more X” This happens so often i’m starting to think we shouldn’t allow people to have opinions anymore.

    like it’s so easy to just, not say something silly, or stupid.

  • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPromised Land
    20 hours ago

    It would definitely require a process similar to denazification in Germany, where the people are reeducated and all members of the previous administrative apparatus are removed from power.

    maybe, personally i’m hesitant to throw shit like that around as it’s really extreme, but i’m not the collective UN governing body so i can’t make that decision lol.

    But Jews live in Germany now, and Germany is a great friend of Israel. Much like Black people in the US and whites, things can change.

    well i mean yeah, but that’s after literally every country except for like japan, went to war with them. They fucking imploded. Though granted germany would’ve eventually collapsed in on itself after trying to expand too aggressively anyway. Fascism is a silly thing.

    We’re all human, I have no idea why you think “they just experience the world differently over there” like they’re aliens. I’m not making a 1-1 comparison but like, there ARE similarities!

    they literally do in the same way that someone with color blindness experiences the world differently to someone with schizophrenia, to someone with tinnitus, to someone with a physical disability, everybody experiences the world differently, there’s nothing inherently bad about that. Eastern culture is different from western culture, it doesn’t take more than like 5 minutes to discover that places like japan have vastly different cultural and social experiences of the world. Thinking anything otherwise is just modern western elitism if we’re playing the funny words game. Realistically it’s probably just western people being uneducated about different cultures and being stuck in a very individualistic line of thinking.

    The middle east is very Islamic, and they tend to have a pretty hard-line religious conceptualization of the world. Israel being situated in the middle east and jewish, is kind of innately opposed to this, since they’re a different religion and are in the middle east, so it sort of provides grounds for conflict there. At least that’s my western educated and “uninformed” take on it so take it with a grain of salt.

    Thinking that you can take someone from china, the middle east, asia more broadly, or even just a remote tribe and then plop them into america and expect them to immediately adapt is just wild. I mean there is SO much study on this in psychology/sociology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_shock

    like to be clear, there are similarities, for example, we’re people. But that’s sort of the primary one, even ignoring global culture, you and i have completely different views on a lot of things, Israel Palestine for example are one thing where we would probably vehemently disagree. I also experience socialization and interaction with other people much differently to normal people as well. I’m aro/ace and neurotic so i don’t really care about relationships at all, and i wish to simply fuck off and stop existing in the broader humanity. Most people would consider that insane, but i don’t really care.

    I think the internet tends to have a really shallow effect on how people perceive others, which can be good in some cases, but it’s also bad in others. It can be equally as bad to assume that others are going to be the same as you, as to assume that others are going to be different to you. People are different in a lot of ways, and they are similar in a lot of ways. It’s important to keep that in mind when talking about things that are cross cultural.

  • maybe, but we’re also forgetting that this has literally been a thing since the founding of israel, older than most of entire living families, and most of their grand parents as well.

    I’m not really sure something like this could just be “swept under the rug” and forgotten in such a manner, though if they decided to do a one state solution, i’m not going to stop them either lol. I just think a two state solution is the only realistic solution here, given the historical context and pretext of the conflict.

    Black and white people mostly get along now, which is true, but it took many, many years. For that to actually be the case, 1964 was the year the civil rights act was passed. But this was also a population that was subjugated and had their rights removed, not one that is militarily backed into a corner. So these are a little bit different.

    Plus we also can’t really apply US culture onto the middle east, they just experience the world differently over there.

  • Yeah, well, my weirdness continues. I’ve got that ADHD time-blindness pretty damn hard, so future events which are inevitable might as well have already occurred in my perspective.

    gotta love time travel, i mea-

    That’s my prediction as well. Now that the Democrats are the new right-wing, the obvious competition would be a new left-wing party. It probably won’t be one of the existing “left” parties though, as they are almost all thoroughly captured by either foreign interests, state security agencies, or both.

    idk that they’re the “new right” like i said i expect them to use moderate language, but then push for more progressive policy. It seems like a really successful strategy. Shit like “we don’t want the government involved in peoples healthcare” implies to me that it will be across the board, not only for abortion, but also shit like gender affirming healthcare. And that we will probably see similar things in schools as well.

    Though im pretty sure the “far left” will probably splinter a bit more aggressively over this, i’m not sure how much that will do anything, or even matter, we’ll have to see.

    it’s also possible that if/once trumps dies/drops out, that the republican party has to scramble to be normal again, and they either pick up a new normal (probably more moderate, otherwise they probably won’t win) pushing the dems further to the left, though im hoping some of that newer rhetoric stays put, just more progressive in general.

    It’ll be interesting to watch.

  • The machine is only loud when it is actively scanning a patient which it doesn’t seem like was happening in this case. Otherwise it’s relatively silent.

    yeah well i’m assuming that if the gun was “sucked into the machine” from the hands of the police officer, that it would have probably been relatively violent. Generally magnets aren’t very polite.

    Also the big button is (in my experience at multiple hospitals) always in a different room behind a box that you have to open.

    yeah i would have to know the floor layout of the specific place in order to make that judgement tbh. That was just my first insight on that one though. There’s a non zero chance he saw it walking in, police are generally pretty observant, and these buttons aren’t exactly well hidden either to my knowledge so.

  • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPromised Land
    1 day ago

    How about ending apartheid and making a multiethnic, multi-religious democratic state from the river to the sea? Israelis can become Palestinian, they don’t need to leave.

    have you ever seen an israeli or a palestinian?

    Neither like eachother. And honestly for good reasons. Good luck with that idea.

    TL;DR this is basically like going “why dont the USSR and US just become one state” during the cold war.