• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Classic gas lighting by the Big 2 supermarkets. They do this every year around the time when they declare profits. They rip every day customers off, then highlight and plead victim on other unrelated matters.

    When the 10c recycling deposit came into effect Coles super market conveniently coincided their 20c price increase on their house brand mineral water. If supermarkets cared so much about the environment and their “low prices” for their customers they would not have started charging bags when they became paper. I get paying for a multi use bag, but this was outright cost recovery and money making. Their quality on their fresh produce is shocking.

    Corporate greed is alive and well with Coles and Woolworths.

  • Hardware & OS is just one side of the story. The fact that it does not support Play Store seems an unwise choice.

    Feels like it’s just replacing one locked in eco system for another.

    This will cause defiantly cause issues for users that are maybe not as tech savvy. Imagine my nan rolling up to a support kiosk asking for help with the Apps, or asking for that app that all the girls in the bowls club talk on? Yeah nah!

    Organisations will view this stack as a bit off the reserve and mostly likely will be hesitant to release APK. I like the App Lounge as another option. People like options, right?

    I feel that enabling Goggle Play on the device/OS will bring it as a major mainstream contender. Without it, it will remain in the realm similar to the Linux user base, limited to knowledgeable early adopters and highly proficient users.