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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023

  • Blueberries.

    My family has never been financially in a good place, but especially when I was still very young. From what I understood my grandmother had a friend who owned a blueberry farm, and one day my mother brought home a giant thing chock full of blueberries. Deal was we could wash, package, and freeze them. Then we could have blueberries all year.

    We went to work, though my help at that age was largely superficial, but we filled most of our freezer and all of a rolling cooler which was going to my grandparents. All washed in the colander and packaged in ziploc.

    The other thing my parents would do was make enough dinner for the whole week. They both worked, my dad had 3 jobs at somepoint, and I often went with my mom to hers. So when we all got home it was easy to just nuke whatever had been made rather than make it then.

    This week’s dinner was mac’n’cheese and hot dogs, yum right! Except no, my mother forgot to wash out the colander and it was all blueberry flavored. One week of blueberry flavored mac’n’cheese was enough for me to grow a healthy distaste for blueberries.

  • Honestly digital for me all the way, of course I object to some of the questionable delicious by some companies regarding taking away digital owned media, but as long as it’s not an issue digital.

    I’m a very indicisive person and it’s so much better to just be able to switch the game without getting up and going halfway across the room, going through the process of putting it back in the case and taking a new one out until I figure out what I want to play.

  • I enjoyed dread, I mean i wouldnt say its my favorite, but i has a good time with is. It was also nice to have some fresh content after so many years, I didn’t think it was particularly anymore focused on twitch reflexes than the other games, especially compared to the return of Samus remake. But idk, I mean everyone is different, I’m sorry you were dissapointed.

    And yeah, at least is wasn’t ‘Other M’ I mean that game isn’t even officially Canon anymore.

  • Well what they applied the example to was a cow, citing that due to its tail out was a monkey of course lol. But yeah it does apply to primates for sure. Also a notable example is in Pokémon where you have mankey who evolves into primeape and loses their tail in the process. Of course this also kind of implies that apes are just angrier, stronger monkeys.

    Also completely unrelated to our conversation, but relevant to your username…Metriod is my absolute favorite gaming series, Metriod Prime is amazing, and I always wanted to be Samus when I grew up.