• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I miss my mum. She’s been dead a few years now, and was elderly and in poor health. And I am a grown up. But sometimes I just want to be able to lay down next to her again and feel safe. I really miss her.

    I will be ok. Just needed to tell someone. And if I tell anyone here in my real world they will want to make it better or something and it can’t be. It just is.

  • A little thing. I had a rest day today. Read my book. Watched some old tv. Felt sad but managed to get myself out for a walk. I am so terrified of slipping back into depression I struggle to rest. But I stopped and looked at my to-do list I made for the weekend and I did it all. And I rested.

    Just wanted to write that down so I remember it’s ok

  • I am having a sort of low grade but continuous panic attack. I have a big conference coming up and I don’t feel grown up enough to network (even though it’s my job) and I have so much to do. Everything feels like a mess and I can’t seem to get enough focus to make any inroads on anything. I am scared of failing. I think I like things better when they are a struggle and I have nothing to lose. For once things are going well and I am so scared of stuffing it up.

    Stupid brain