You need to be more critical of the media you consume.
If a lawyer mentioned that in court it would be grounds for a mistrial.
Uhhh “my client is fuckin’ rad” is not a legal defense.
So if killing one person is bad, isn’t killing hundreds to thousands of innocent people/year hundreds to thousands of times more bad?
Also “it’s my emotional support gun because I fucked up my brain with synthetic drugs”
Raising animals costs a huge amount of money. Who can afford to raise animals that aren’t selling?
Just the part that translates the name you type ( into an actual address your computer goes to on the internet to talk to their computer.
Poor guy is so dehydrated :( I hope his kidneys make it to 40.
They caught him :(. It’s objectively hilarious that his name is Luigi though.
I second this, I have literally never heard of refrigerating a donut.
“Daily or almost daily” is extremely frequent, given how tolerance works. If you’re using that often, it is problematic and indicates you need to make some changes. It works and feels way better if you take frequent breaks, anyways.
You’re choosing ad hominem
“You aren’t fooling anyone. We know exactly who you are.”
This u?
Because that number was totally pulled out of their butt.
They’ve been having that battle for 30 years with nothing to show for it, I don’t see what will change now.
The only thing you can rely on from ICANN is that they will do whatever is most profitable for their board members.
Why don’t you live somewhere with theocratic rule?
A fraud, at Stanford??? Noooo
Most people don’t know that “let’s get down to brass tacks” is a rhyme for “let’s get down to the facts” as well.
Nah, I unsubscribed because I got tired of the sensationalist clickbait. I thought paying was supposed to get rid of that.