Doesn’t Pop!OS do that already?
Doesn’t Pop!OS do that already?
The first one that came to mind was fli4l (Floppy ISDN for Linux). Originally a distro of German origin that fit on a single floppy disk to turn a 386 or 486 PC into a router for ISDN connections. Last I looked it’s still actively worked on.
There are probably tons of more obsuce ones. But this is one I actually used.
The only reason I’m not playing more VR is that it’s more involved than playing without. You have to make space to play. If you’re playing from PC (which I would recommend) you have to set that and the games up. And then it’s usually more fun to play standing for which I don’t always have the energy.
My Quest 1 is not logged in to Meta so I only play free games from Sidequest or whatever free games I used to get from Meta. Plenty to play with that and PCVR.
“Smaller” games like Moon Rider are usually more fun. At least in the long run. Full games like Alyx are few and far between. But ports of older games work well. I dare say that VR is the best way to play Doom 3.
I love Did I take my meds? to remind me take my pills but also show me if I already took them that day.
How thin do you want to stretch it? Dragonball is based on the old Chinese myth of Journey to the West. Neon Genesis Evangelion is based on Christian myths.
Dude, thorium reactors will be ready any day now, along with mini reactors! Everything will be super cheap and all the waste will be reused and we won’t be dependent on any fuel sources from Russia and all our problems will be gone!
/s, in case it’s not obvious
War einer der letzten Tage im Jahr. Ich glaube wir hatten Einer flog übers Kuckucksnest geguckt. Eine Schülerin kam zu spät und weil sie in letzter Zeit den Lehrer öfters genervt hatte hat er sie der Klasse verwiesen. Der Favorit kam dann auch zu spät und aus Fairnessgründen hat der Lehrer ihn auch verwiesen.
Der Idiot ist dann nach Hause gegangen statt in der Pause seine Frisur begutachten zu lassen. Ein Punkt wäre genug gewesen und so wie ich ihn kenne hätte er das locker geschafft.
If I wasn’t using so many other Nextcloud apps besides the file storage I would switch.
Es gab mal bei uns in der Klasse zwischen vier Freunden eine keine-Haare-schneiden Wette. Monatelang dachten alle ich würde mitmachen.
Nach langer langer Zeit waren nur noch zwei übrig. Wir beschlossen die Entscheidung mit einer verrückten Haar-Woche herbeizuführen, wo jeder jeden Tag eine verrückte Frisur tragen sollte. Ich war einer der Schiedsrichter. Es schien schon entschieden, aber am letzten Tag wurde der Favorit aus einer unglücklichen Verkettung von Ereignissen der Klasse verwiesen und hatte deshalb für den Tag keine Punkte erhalten. Der Wettbewerb ging unentschieden aus.
Yeah, back then Valve was just a shitty publisher insisting on their own shitty DRM infested launcher.
Only the shell survives. It seems to be intact but it’s full of shit.
Wikinger gewinnen wieder!
Hier auf ich_iel gilt: Wer zuerst kommt malt zuerst. 😛
Njam, njam, njam, lecker Stimme!
Huh? I wanted to see whether Portal 1 and 2 are free as well to recommend them to family and friends but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. They don’t show any info on purchasing them whether I’m logged in or not.
Tons of books. Basically anything made before the 1900s.
My cousin programmed a simple labyrinth game on my C64 by randomly placing symbols on the screen and you had to get the cursor from the upper left corner to the lower right without bumping into a symbol.
I was so impressed.
Every 27th customer gets a ball peen hammer free!
Take frozen fish sticks out of the packaging and fry for 5-7 minutes from all sides.
New transition method unlocked.