This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.
This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
Yeah, okay sure. Let’s leave it at that. This seems like playing chess with a pigeon etc.
I’m not seeing how I’m a cunt.
There’s your problem.
If you empathize with them, then why are you being such a fucking cunt? In my eyes that’s even worse than not being able to empathize, that’s just being a fucking cunt.
Are you for real? :D I can see now you haven’t accepted yourself for who you are, as you cannot see the fault in yourself here. But maybe saying “you are an inconsiderate asshole” is wrong, as I don’t even know you, but rather that you constantly come across as an inconsiderate asshole. Like did you at all stop to think how your “advice” (that you so graciously have gifted the OOP with) might be perceived by someone in their position? Can you at all place yourself into “their shoes” so to say and gauge how your actions (or rather words in this case) might make them feel? It’s ok if you don’t, I can’t do that always, but I acknowledge that as a personal shortcoming.
Second that, why are there cars on the beach? Also why are there tiktoks on lemmy?
Yeah I’d say you’re just being an inconsiderate asshole here. Then again, I have this feeling you get that a lot and you’ve just accepted yourself as who you are.
“If I don’t stand with those more marginalized than me today then who will be left to stand with me tomorrow.”
This (kinda?) echoes the Niemöller quote we all know and love.
An incredibly moving text, was basically on the verge of tears throughout reading, and eventually did tear up when I got to the ending with the excerpt from Aaron’s will: "If a time comes when Palestinians regain control of their land, and if the people native to the land would be open to the possibility, I would love for my ashes to be scattered in a free Palestine.”
Judging by this text Aaron seems like a person I would have personally loved to meet, talk with and get to know. Not too dissimilar in age, belonging to a neurominority and of similar political, social and economical mindset; I think we might have gotten along well. And he even loved cats, just as me! Though it was nigh-impossible before his final act of protest and nonconsent (seeing as there were thousands of kilometers and a few seas and oceans between us geographically) it saddens me that it became completely impossible after the fact, and that we live in such a world where he felt that act was something he had to do.
This text made me sad, and yet somehow it made me hopeful. Even in an institution as rotten and poised for being only the weaponized arm of the oligarchy, bourgeoisie and capitalism - the “final hegemony of toxic masculinity” (as I’ve heard my country’s armed forces so eloquently described) - as the one in the US there are people who have the seed of anarchism and nonconformity in them, ready to be cultivated into a full, beautiful blooming flower. And even if the seed is not yet there, even if it is “just” soil (to continue this metaphor) in which to cultivate said seed, this text gave me hope to not lose my own faith in my fellow humans, but to work towards planting those seeds in my own area as best I can and know how to.
I am incredibly thankful for allowing me to stumble on this text.
'merica - fuck yeah
Comin’ in to save the motherfucking day-yeah
in terms of fact checking the correct writing in German… nope
Yeah, I realized that after posting. I’m just mad at the moment, excuse my violent fantasies for a bit. What I tried to say is: what does it matter what this random old dude thinks of anything regarding anything to do with morality or conscience? He is the head of the worst institution in the last 2000 years or so grace the rest of us with their presence, whose only contributions to society is the stifling of progress, endless wars waged in the name of their imaginary friend because someone else (usually brown people) believe in THE SAME FUCKING IMAGINARY FRIEND, and the protection of child-rapists and other abusing vermin. Oh how I long for the day when the basilica of st. peter burns to the ground along with their corrupt institution.
So is raping altar boys, though…
The old world is dying, and the new one struggles to be born. Now is, indeed, the time of monsters. I urge people to cast aside the veil of humanity for a while, as they (you know who) have already done. Embrace your beastly nature, and take up arms. Resist and persist.
Shoot them to the sky as fireworks! Let their remains be scattered to the winds! Let nothing remain of them, lest it be endless loathing!
Traditional problems require traditional solutions! Remember to aim at the center of mass.
oooh, I like your way of thinking! Maybe combine that modern approach with the tradition of guillotines not always finishing them off first time around, and, you know, feed them feet-first into the tree shredder possibly still squirming
Going through this the posting history of this user, I have a hunch he plays by the alt-right playbook. Which reminded me of a video I saw recently with such a term in the title, and an entire playlist of such:
Also, while interacting online with creatures such as this user, I think it is important to always remember: don’t feed the trolls. Now with the alt-right trolls, such as with AI-bots, they’ve learned to mimic human ways enough to fool you into believing you are speaking with an actual rational human being, and it is easy to be lured into a fruitless argument with someone who plays by a different ruleset than you. But remember! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS.