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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Well they read me a list of all of these things I’ve done wrong in their eyes over the past few months. Some of which was just not right but I shut up and took it for the most part. I guess telling me what I did wrong was support? I dunno. The forum for delivering their message in a super serious meeting didn’t feel like support, it felt like being disclipined. Then told me that you must not be happy here and we can help you move on. I didn’t get the sense they wanted to do anything to improve outcomes, they just want me gone. A really shitty situation.

  • Update - I still have a job but my work standard has been slipping and they’ve noticed. Directors told me I won’t be progressing to where I want to get within the business and so I should think about moving on. Then they offered to help me with finding a new position - using their contacts etc. Has anyone previously told their employer they’re planning to leave before they actually resign? I feel like this is a trap.

  • Rollercoaster day. Got an email this morning asking that I attend the office later this week to meet with the directors. No details provided on what the meeting is going to be about. An ex-colleague of mine recieved a similar meeting invitation earlier in the year where they got made redundant. So naturally I began to freak out, thinking I’m about to lose my job. I asked if I needed to prepare anything for the meeting and the response makes me think I’m not about to lose my job, but they’re going to be raising something performance related. I’m pretty nervous because I have no idea what I’m going to be walking into. The response could just be throwing me off the scent. I feel sick.

    I already want to leave, but better hurry up with finding that new job. Tonight I’m going to apply for a few roles and clear my work PC in case the worst happens.

  • Thought it was a good idea to go for run in the peak sun part of the day. I overheated out there. Got it done though!

    Been a while since I’ve gone for a run on this track and wow the amount of unleashed dogs was staggering. It’s not an off leash track but people give no shits. Lucky all the doggos today were cute non-threatening breeds, but I’ve been chased before by a big scary off lead dog on this track so I’m quite guarded.

  • My boss is being a real piece of work today. They’re coming at me like where’s this, where’s that, why did you do this (assuming what I did was wrong). Can you possibly just trust for one moment that I know what I am doing and the tasks on my plate are under control? It’s the assuming that I always get it wrong or have missed something until convinced otherwise that really grates on me.