All these other biscuits are full of pea protein, lentils or beans, all of which give my cat stomach pain. Chickpeas are about tolerable but I can’t find that without the others.
It’s giving me the shits. I have a just opened bag and a full unopened bag of expensive food but because the factory made the pieces too hard it’s inedible.
All these other biscuits are full of pea protein, lentils or beans, all of which give my cat stomach pain. Chickpeas are about tolerable but I can’t find that without the others.
It’s giving me the shits. I have a just opened bag and a full unopened bag of expensive food but because the factory made the pieces too hard it’s inedible.
Would it work to put them in a ziplock bag and give them a bash with rolling pin to crush into smaller pieces? Not as much chewing needed?
There’s a bowl of biscuit powder from using a mortar and pestle but she isn’t eating it.
Good suggestion though, she ate a bit of biscuit dust the last time they messed her dry food up
would you be able to make some yourself?
I’m considering it. Physical energy is a factor unfortunately (the reason for having dry food out as insurance)