Interested in sewing, gardening and preserving, with a strong focus on sustainability.


  • 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They are definitely one of the better options value wise, but they have not been doing well technology wise. They are currently migrating to a new system, which is not going well at all, and has been dragging on for far too long.

    If I didn’t have another restricted membership fund I can move to I’d probably put up with it any way TBH, as retail funds are definitely not as good for cost/benefits.

  • Boost! It’s like coming home. Looks pretty good so far, although there are no moderator tools showing, so I’ll still have to use the web version for pinning and unpinning. I’m hoping the highlighting of new content will work the same as it did with Reddit, that’s the bit I’ve missed most.

    Edit: the highlighting works! New comments showing as bright blue, and the little button to skip to the next new comment is there - I am a happy Raven.

  • In reality if you ever are in a situation where CPR is needed (or anything else really serious) you will be calling 000 and they will guide you through what you have to do. I think it’s a good idea to do a hands on course if you can so it is something you are more familiar with, but you will usually have support available if you need it (barring occassional events like thunderstorm asthma and covid, anyway).

  • I find studying to be a constant cycle starting with excitement at learning something new, sliding into angst and despair when I have to actually put pen to paper and produce an assignment, through “f*#@%4 it, I’ll just churn out something and try and stuff it into some sort of shape vaguely like the requirements”, ending with relief that at least it’s over. Then I have a bit of a break and start the cycle again with the next task/subject.

    IMO the most important skills for uni are time managment so you can actually get everything done properly, and pulling apart the requirements of the assignment to make sure you are submitting what they mark against. Making sure you are actually adressing the question asked is generally way more important than the specific examples/arguments etc. used.

  • The case for the new phone arrived today, so I have transferred the sim over and it has been given Primary Phone status. My preferred alarm app is installed and alarms set, hopefully it wakes me up at the right time for work tomorrow.

    I don’t know why, but I’m always a bit reluctant to use new things for a while - some sort of combination of wanting the familiarity of what I am used to and being scared I will wear out the new thing and it won’t be special any more.

  • My Dad had one of those at one stage - they are pretty good, but I am mostly doing less advanced seedlings, and don’t do cuttings. I am using the ones that cover a 12 space punnet, and am pretty happy with them, but they are a touch short for some of the big plants like pumpkin which are hitting the tops as soon as they have sprouted. The tops don’t stay on long once they are sprouted so it’s not a major issue, but having a few taller ones would be good - I’ve reordered from Amazon, so they should be here in a couple of days.

    I quite like the divided punnets - I’ve been cutting them up as I often only want a couple of each type of plant, and I can make mixed punnets and move the varieties that sprout first without disturbing the others. I can also fit 6 of the paper pots I make in a punnet, so bigger plants and ones that don’t like being transplanted go in those.