• Count042@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    No one is asking you to lay down and die. Good job trying to invoke victim status to again justify genocide.

    Also, good job trying to antisemitically equate Judaism with the genocidal actions of the Israeli government. JVP does NOT want to hold your blood stained hands.

    Here, try something out, if you actually want to understand, which I don’t think you do, but on the of chance.

    Imagine you see a nation trying to commit genocide against its minority population of Jewish people that it has kept mostly locked up in a bantustan for the last 17 years. Imagine a citizen of that country who, presumably, isn’t actively participating in the slaughter of Jewish people starts trying to garner sympathy for the slaughter, and justify why the slaughter is okay.

    Imagine how you’d want to react to that person.

    I’m not Arab, just someone who firmly believes in Never Again. I will treat any worthless genocide justifying fuck the same way, as I’m treating you. I have the same disgust and disdain for the Azerbaijani justifying the ethnic cleansing of the Nagorno-Karbagh region. The same Azeris who got a fuck ton of weapons from Israel, by the by. Funny how Israel sides with and provides weapons to the wrong side in history.

    I would hope that you would treat people you legitimately believe are committing genocide the same way, but from your words it is obvious that ‘Never Again’ meant nothing to you, so I suspect you wouldn’t.

    Also, good job trying to imply protestors against genocide are antisemitic. I don’t give a fuck about your religion, or your ethnicity. I care about your disgusting actions and words.

    • Fimbulwinter@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Well, as long as you are 100% certain you are on the right side of history, you do you man. Just try not to hurt anybody.

      • Count042@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        I’d say the same, except your country is already hurting people. 35+k people already. Somewhere around 2/3 of which are women and children.

        If you go by Israels numbers, it’s even more.