• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    We have three choices; Biden, Trump, deliberate non-vote.

    I won’t be helping the GOP get into power because there is no scenario in which I would vote for them. Whether Biden can or cannot convince enough people to vote for him would be entirely on Biden himself. That’s how democracy works; you convince people to vote for you and get into office – He has the power to stop supporting genocide, ultimately I can’t influence him to do that other than to communicate that I will withhold my vote. If I’m unwilling to follow through on that option then it’s an empty threat.

    I’m not sure why it’s become so difficult for people to understand. You’re trying to persuade the wrong person here. Write a letter to Biden and your representatives, they’re the one in office not me. I’m just a voter who Biden seems confident he doesn’t need.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I’m not trying to persuade you about anything, you’ve obviously made up your mind that helping Trump get back into power is a choice you’re willing to make to maintain your moral high ground.

      I’m trying to let anyone else reading this conversation that there is a choice this election between Biden or Trump (I don’t think deliberate non-vote has a chance of becoming president) and the real work is pushing the DNC to have young, smart and progressive candidates in the next primary.

      • retrospectology@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I’m not voting for Trump. I’m offering my vote to the Democrats for the most minimal cost. Literally willing to forego pretty much every political and moral principle I have except putting my name on a genocide.

        Non-vote isn’t just the only possible moral choice in this context, it’s also the maximal way to vote if the goal is to change the party politics like you claim to want to.

        Withholding votes is pushing the DNC to allow young, smart progressive candidates, it is the only way that ever has a chance of happening. This is because they will never ever allow a progressive candidate to win a primary if their corporate pro-genocide candidates can win simply by doing the old pied piper trick. As long as pro-genocide candidates are electorally viable, they’ll continue to field them and they’ll continue to win because that’s who the party backs with funding and that’s who they tell their media arm to boost. Biden getting re-elected reinforces that cycle, it does not put us closer to disrupting it.

        The strategy you’re insisting on has only resulted in democratic voters compromising on their principles more and more to the point where you’re now here trying to convince people to vote for someone funding a genocide. That’s how far from your purported goal your strategy has brought us.