The more I use lemmy, the more it begins to just feel like all the same problems reddit had. It has the same problems with major communities having far left moderation standards that only apply to the right, the same hive mind users that just spam the same tired out leftist talking points over and over while refusing anything close to an actual discussion.

The only upsides are that downvotes aren’t used to punish you site wide, and the handful of non-leftist instances that exist, though they always end up defederated by all the major instances, effectively making them poor spaces for general discussion.

So what are your thoughts? Is this just the “more like under new management” from megamind? Is there hope for it to become a decent platform for everyone, not just the left?

    1 year ago

    Did you ever consider that maybe the majority isn’t actually that “far left”, but it is you who is so far right that everybody else looks like a raging marxist to you? There are of course tankies on here, but the vast majority seem like average ordinary people to me.

        1 year ago

        Seriously though, 4chan is definitely your best bet. If this annoys you when I say it because you don’t want to associate with 4chan, maybe you should realize that’s how you’re coming off already.

        If you don’t like talking with average people, people who most likely do not share your viewpoints, you can always stop trying if you want. I’m sure it would be appreciated.

    1 year ago

    It may just be that there are a lot more “leftist people” than you think there are. The world is not the U.S., and what is “left” in the U.S. is centre or even rightwing in a lot of other countries. To me, a complaint like this sounds more like “I want a far-right forum online”, in which case 4chan is probably your best bet.

    1 year ago

    Is lemmy just going to become reddit 2.0?

    No. Lemmy is federated so it’s not going to run into the same problem of unabashed capitalists trying to eke out every of cent of profit they can from the platform. It has built in protections against all the things that ruined reddit.

    Oh, you were talking about all the good points of reddit? Lol.

    • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Lmao at least you’re honest enough to admit that reddit had a massive bias issue, even if you consider it a good thing

        1 year ago

        I’m not sure what you’re expecting. You joined a platform that is left leaning and expect what, everyone to self censor for your benefit? If you’re looking for a conservative safe space, you might want to try exploding-heads.

        • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
          1 year ago

          I wish I could expect the inverse of people like you - dishonest trolls who contribute nothing except brazen misrepresentations

            1 year ago

            Lmao at least you’re honest enough to

            people like you - dishonest trolls

            I’m getting whiplash here.

            Edit: I was sent scat porn after this exchange. Nice company you keep, there.

            • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
              1 year ago

              Lol not my fault the instance has a spam problem. Everyone here gets sent those scat messages. But how expected of you to just try and dishonestly pin everything you don’t like on me.

                • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
                  1 year ago

                  Yeah. You seriously think I set up an instance wide spam ring that’s been running for days just to preemptively have an excuse to send you, specifically, a message?

                1 year ago

                Point to this dishonesty. I literally asked what you expected. I didn’t make a statement of fact. Is asking you poignant questions dishonest?

                You’re in a leftist platform complaining about left leaning bias. Do you expect that everyone should pretend to be a centrist for your convenience?

                • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
                  1 year ago

                  Point to this dishonesty. I literally asked what you expected. I didn’t make a statement of fact. Is asking you poignant questions dishonest?

                  I never claimed not indicated the left should censor themselves for me. That was entirely a lie you made up. I never said I was looking for a safe space. Yet another lie you made up. I’m not the one responsible for NSFW spam on the instance. Another lie you made up.

    1 year ago

    I think it’s because the initial lemmy launch was very leftist-oriented, so most people who used it early on were probably quite leftist. Basically as Voat was to the far right, so is lemmy to the far-left.

    Add to that Reddit and lemmy both cater to younger people, and younger people tend to skew left, you’re left with a very left-leaning audience.

    So these leftist early adopters snapped up the popular names for communities, so we’re left with a leftist culture on the site, even as right-leaning people later on come to the platform.

    At least that’s my take. And honestly, as a libertarian, I’m okay with it. I’m pretty good at filtering out biases, so I ignore the worst of it and try to give another perspective in areas that seem more open. I hate echo chambers of all varieties, so I also generally avoid the libertarian ones as well (i.e. /r/libertarian on Reddit as a cesspool). I dislike conservative politics, but I also dislike progressive politics and prefer an actual focus on small government that respects individual rights. Sometimes conservatives get that right, sometimes liberals do, and I’m up for discussing it in both cases.

    • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I don’t actually care that much if the community skews left, my main concern is how moderation ends up on major communities and instances. Specifically as to whether they act like reddit did, feigning neutrality to maintain appearances while the weaponizing the rules against the right.

        1 year ago

        I don’t think they really did that though. Maybe on some subs, but any unequal moderation is much easier to chalk up to subconscious biases than anything intentional (i.e. it’s easier to overlook rule breakage for a cause you agree with and enforce rules for causes you don’t). There are even laws on the books that police don’t need to apply justice equally, only that they need to apply them lawfully (i.e. it’s not a problem to hand out tickets to black people more frequently than white people, provided the tickets are legally valid).

    1 year ago

    My opinion is that there are a lot of far left people here, that part is true. I consider myself a socialist, but not so far left that I can’t criticize Russia, China or North Korea that some here seem to be.

    The only right-wing instance that has been defederated was I was part of that discussion, I voted to defederate and I would do it again. It was nothing to do with their politics for me, it was all about the hate speech. The posts there specifically calling for the death of trans people, holocaust denial and other big red lines for me was why I wanted the defederation to happen.

    A conservative who acknowledges that minorities have human rights and that historical events really happened is absolutely A-ok in my book. We might not agree on our politics, but it’s still a conversation worth having.

    • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      The only right-wing instance that has been defederated was I was part of that discussion, I voted to defederate and I would do it again

      True. This instance is one of the better ones in terms of defederation, but unfortunately we don’t seem to be very popular in that stance. And given the nature of social media where ability to access content is a major factor, the more large instances that defederate, the worse the system as a whole gets in terms of ability to access that content.

      Personally, I support a zero defederation policy, and also have accounts on those types of instances, but they’re heavily blocked by major instances, hence why I’m still here as well. I’m excited for when better apps come out for managing multiple accounts. It’s pretty annoying to have a bunch of web apps to use each different login whenever I end up going somewhere that doesn’t have federation.

      A conservative who acknowledges that minorities have human rights and that historical events really happened is absolutely A-ok in my book. We might not agree on our politics, but it’s still a conversation worth having

      I find that vanishingly few actual people (major media agitators aren’t in my books) actually hold the genuine belief that minorities don’t have rights, or aren’t deserving of them. It’s just that a lot of what progressives call rights isn’t a perspective shared by much of the conservative side of things, where you’ll generally find a more limited “life, liberty, property” set of beliefs, or at least derivative thereof.

        1 year ago

        Personally, I support a zero defederation policy

        That is an untenable position imho. I hate to use the tired old trope of the nazi bar, but a true free speech approach has been tried over and over again, and each and every time has resulted in the worst drek imaginable, and everybody who wasn’t ok with that sort of drek leaving. Having a community worth having a discussion in requires moderation, and that extends to federated platforms too.

        I find that vanishingly few actual people (major media agitators aren’t in my books) actually hold the genuine belief that minorities don’t have rights, or aren’t deserving of them

        That isn’t true from my own very subjective experiences. Quite a few don’t even consider select minorities (different ones depending on region) are even fully human.

        Of course that is not universal. My own father is a conservative, and we have many a long and interesting discussion. Those people do exist, but so do those who think of minorities as sub-human.

        • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
          1 year ago

          I’m perfectly fine with individual communities enforcing their own moderation policies, and individual users taking advantage of the plenty strong blocking tools at their disposal. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if people are already working on the equivalent of chain block from Twitter for lemmy already.

          But at the level of federation, it represents basic fucking functionality of the site, and it should only be leveraged as a tool against things lot bot farms or the like. Why should the users who cry for moderation the moment a single thing they don’t like shows up need to run the ship? We should go back to the days of just telling them to not browse content they don’t want to browse, and to grow the fuck up.

            1 year ago

            If a jew is considering joining, and the first thing they see is a holocaust denial post on All + New, they won’t join.

            Similarly, if a trans user is considering joining and they see a post calling for their death, they won’t join.

            Eventually, this whittles down the users over the very long term to only those users that are ok with that. This isn’t about “a single thing they don’t like”. It’s acceptance of hate speech. I hope you can understand the difference. I myself am half Jewish, and if I felt like I was surrounded by anti-semites, I’d just pick up and leave.

            Again, I do hope you can understand the difference between an unpopular opinion and hate speech.

        • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
          1 year ago

          Forgive the double commenting, lemmy doesn’t save drafts, and I don’t like losing partial comments while I close tabs.

          That isn’t true from my own very subjective experiences. Quite a few don’t even consider select minorities (different ones depending on region) are even fully human

          Could you give more concrete examples? I’m not particularly interested in defending (or not) the hypothetical someone, somewhere who holds some belief.

            1 year ago

            Sure! I’m Romanian, and Roma are very much discriminated against here. I have had a religious, conservative acquaintance tell me, completely straight-faced and honestly, that the targeting of Jews in the Romanian holocaust was terrible, we should have just stuck to killing as many Roma as possible. They are, according to him, completely impossible to “civilize”.

            This is not an uncommon belief here.

            EDIT: Let me be completely clear: I’m not saying you hold beliefs like that. I’m just saying “conservative” is a broad brush that includes both the reasonable and the terrible.

        1 year ago

        The heavy defederated instance was better in terms of federation or did I read this wrong? What’s this post have to do with conservatism anyways? Greavence politics is annoying I’m sure if you didn’t lead with it in discussions you would get better engagement.

        To me a good amount of your posts I come across seem like rage bait and that’s fine but not productive. I like talking with you, when we talk I feel like it’s generally a constructive conversation once ground rules get set and we are taking about the same issue. So I’m pretty convinced you are a real person and not a troll.

        I pretty much tried to say the same thing as this on exploding heads a month ago to my friend wiggles and was immediately banned for wrong think so I donno. Pretty sure he abuses children anyways not like he even denies it or tries to hide it… Go try presenting as anything not far right on EH and see how quickly the ban hammer comes down.

        • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
          1 year ago

          The heavy defederated instance was better in terms of federation or did I read this wrong

          My bad if I wrote it vaguely, I meant that this instance is good in terms of generally being federated by other instances and having minimal defederations from our end.

          What’s this post have to do with conservatism anyways

          I was hoping for some general discussion on the topic since a lot of people are here from reddit. Reddit had a pretty strong bias against anything right wing, both in terms of community opinions, and in terms of admin actions, and I wanted to see other people’s opinions on if lemmy was heading in the same direction to effectively be the exact same shit as reddit, just different management. We definitely aren’t there yet, but given the general way things are going here, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got there within a year or two.

          The reason I think it merits discussion is that I find the tendency towards online echo chambers to be a troubling direction for the internet, and I hoped that federated spaces could alleviate the issue to some extent. Like yeah, I can always just hop between places like this and exploding heads, but hopping between opposing echo chambers isn’t exactly good discussion.

          Greavence politics is annoying I’m sure if you didn’t lead with it in discussions you would get better engagement.

          Unless we’re operating under an extremely broad definition of greavance politics such that anything anyone expresses dissent towards counts, I wouldn’t generally consider my comments to be greavance politics, at least any more than what my counterparts on the left post 24/7 on this instance. And personally, I don’t see any need to censor myself to appease people unwilling to do the same.

          I like talking with you, when we talk I feel like it’s generally a constructive conversation once ground rules get set and we are taking about the same issue. So I’m pretty convinced you are a real person and not a troll.

          I’m on sites like this primarily for my own personal enjoyment, so when someone is actually interested in having genuine discussion, I’m all for it. But I’m not here to be a teacher or whatever, so when all the worthless rats crawl out of the woodwork to spam “muh fascism” or whatever other buzzwords they’ve been fed by CNN, take your pick from almost every other comment in this post, I have no interest in trying to reason them out of a position that wasn’t reached through reason. Because frankly, the last thing I want is for social media to feel like a job.

            1 year ago
            1. thanks I read it wrong I guess.
            2. I think part of this is the right gravitated to echo chambers. Like truth and parlor or the .win sites. Honestly most the things from the “right”(I guess?) Seem like trolls and I’m pretty sure most the accounts are you excluded. Or weird reactionarys probably the most annoying political group… I wish the right would just disown them like the qtards they are pretty annoying and dumb.
            3. it’s more like you make any statement related or not and get a “what about hunters laptop” on an unrelated topic about Killary from 8 years ago. I’m sure you know the feeling from your side/types of conversations. Everything is oppressing or censoring me when I say insane off topic rage bait things etc. I could find examples but mostly it just results in someone spamming reports in the community I moderate if I push back at all. It’s annoying and unproductive not a way to build bridges or win hearts and minds.
            4. no comment on that one see number 3 😊.

            Anyways hope you are having a good day. I was just confused on the EH being more federated statement and trying to sort of stand up for you. Echo chamber = bad.

            • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
              1 year ago

              I think part of this is the right gravitated to echo chambers

              I mean yeah, but not particularly as a first choice. Reddit has long been hostile to the right, and frequently would ban users and communities that didn’t fall in line with the approved narrative, and reddit was really the major platform where most people went for content in that part of social media, so alternatives were naturally people who had a reason to not be on reddit, which up until this month and the api disaster, was almost exclusively just being right wing.

              Seem like trolls and I’m pretty sure most the accounts are you excluded.

              Sorry, this sentence doesn’t parse for me. Like, I get all the words, but they don’t come together to one coherent meaning when I read it. Can you rephrase?

              I wish the right would just disown them like the qtards they are pretty annoying and dumb.

              And how often would you personally be voting for right wing candidates if this happened? Would you be out campaigning for DeSantis if he focused his efforts on trying to purge wrong think from the party? If not, it just seems stupid to intentionally burn bridges with voters at the behest of people who oppose the right regardless.

              it’s more like you make any statement related or not and get a “what about hunters laptop” on an unrelated topic about Killary from 8 years ago

              As far as I can recall, all my participation here has been pretty solidly on topic and relevant to the post at hand. Like yeah, there’s plenty of people on both sides who do this shit and it’s annoying as hell, but it’s hardly in either of our control so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

                1 year ago
                1. I don’t really know I miss reddit when it wasn’t filled with policies and weird flame wars. I mostly went on reddit to read crazy people like the gangstalking reddit or weird obscure drug communities, or the qtards in tga before they got banned for posting Csam(to save the children…) and NCD after the war started… Isn’t spez a libertarian who lives in a missile silo?(living the dream…) Really don’t have much to say on reddit politics outside of it’s annoying and unavoidable. I never even had a verified reddit account I only used the account for lurking private communities.

                2. example of a troll and probably not a real person would be theblackconservitive user on this server. People like that are annoying as hell. I’m pretty sure he’s not American black or a conservative and never voted for Trump. Just here to sow division as part of some fun global psyop. Pretty sure you are a real person with original thoughts etc…

                3. I used to primary with the Republicans up until trump steered the party off a cliff. Before that I was a pretty solid libertarian or Republican voter in general elections. Usually picked the “best person” like Gary Johnson in 2016… But being constantly called a far leftists when I have any bad think made me decide not to associate with the authoritarian party… Honestly the whole field of them currently are bootlickers and grifters it would be interesting(funny) if I didn’t have to live here and it didn’t directly impact my life. I don’t really hold any party in high regard currently… if anything the last few years helped me find solidarity with anti authoritarian people both left and right, people generally have the same end goals and argue over the starting line. The Koch brothers really did a number to the gold and black…

                Remember “take the guns first due process later” = strong on protecting gun rights 😂. The double think is weird and I’m sure I also do it like every human.

                1. yeah your like an actual human worth engagement with. Like I’m sure in real life we would actually get along pretty well. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
                • MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.worksOP
                  1 year ago
                  1. Reddit always had political stuff, but it really only became the forefront of everything around 2016. That said, it was always a bit slanted.

                  I really don’t know if it’s spez who really pushed it to be shit, or any of the other people who have some power at reddit, but they’ve been pushing discourse solidly leftward for a while now. They still have to pretend to be at least vaguely neutral to prevent reddit (as a company) from nosediving, but they’ve gradually been using the rules as a weapon against the right through uneven enforcement. Remember, r/nonewnormal was banned because users also sometimes participated on other subreddits (ie the natural way people use reddit), and this was considered brigading. On the other hand, subreddits literally dedicated to nothing but brigading like r/subredditdrama get by with simply saying “don’t brigade” while their users do it constantly.

                  1. I might just be an extremely complex network of bots. Beep boop

                  2. Thats fair. The reason I asked is because the overwhelming majority of the people I find talking about how this or that group needs to clean house would never have voted for them anyway, and it’s just an excuse to avoid discussing policy.

                  Personally, I treat voting as a strategic thing. I don’t particularly care who I’m voting for most of the time, or what they believe, but mostly just how they’re going to cast their votes in congress or how far they’ll abuse executive powers. Not particularly a fan of either big party, but at least the Republicans have been getting a few things right recently, primarily with court appointments and reliably killing basically everything in congress

    1 year ago

    I’m working on a Lemmy instance just for conservatives so that moderation and unjustified censorship will not be a problem anymore. The server is hosted in Kentucky in a datacenter run by conservative friends.

    I started working on it since banned me and either took over or deleted the communities that I created. None of them promoted any extreme views, just normal political stuff. I didn’t break any of their actual rules. Their reasoning: spreading fake news.