too orange, he’d be a better Mayor McCheese…if it wasn’t for all the corruption.
removed is so corrupt he shouldn’t even hold a make-believe position in a make-believe world.
he’s so unemployable that even The Hamburgler wouldn’t hire him.
just to make it clear, that orange corrupt unemployable removed is so untrustworthy he has to stay at least 1000ft away from the fry kids school out of fear that he’ll “grab em by the frybox”.
It was closed for the stunt
He still worked hard there then the White house. I say hire him McDonald’s. He can be the new Ronald.
too orange, he’d be a better Mayor McCheese…if it wasn’t for all the corruption.
removed is so corrupt he shouldn’t even hold a make-believe position in a make-believe world.
he’s so unemployable that even The Hamburgler wouldn’t hire him.
just to make it clear, that orange corrupt unemployable removed is so untrustworthy he has to stay at least 1000ft away from the fry kids school out of fear that he’ll “grab em by the frybox”.
McD’s doesn’t hire convicted felons.
Yes they do.
They absolutely do.
They would have extreme difficulty staffing without felons.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if the secret service allowed him to serve the general public?
I mean, just off the top of my head ways that could go wrong:
This is all in addition to the risk that trump causes a grease fire (too bad it didn’t happen….)
Please stop, I can only get so erect
We don’t need any dead martyrs.
Which is why I want him to pop an aneurysm or something, in the middle of a hate fueled rally.
Keep going, I am really enjoying it.