President Donald Trump says he’d like to see Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip — potentially moving out enough of the population to “clean out” the area to create a virtual clean slate.
“Something has to happen,” Trump said. “But it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished, and people are dying there.” He added: “So, I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations, and build housing in a different location, where they can maybe live in peace for a change.”
Greater of two evils turns out to be greater than imagined. Protest votes in shambles, denying that this was entirely foreseeable.
Notice how the “protest votes” have completely vanished? 🤔
Public outcry over the Palestinian Genocide has never been louder and it will keep getting louder.
Public outcry ≠ protest voters.
ok, so what exactly would this category of people you define as having voted and done literally nothing nothing else be doing to not disappear right now?
It seems to me, by definition of how you have delineated the category of people you want to criticize you should expect not to “see” them until the next time they vote…
At least a few of them have been pretty outspoken here on Lemmy even after the election. Not so now though.
I don’t understand how this distinction works though, I voted for Harris so I don’t fit into either category but wouldn’t you just remove people from the “protest vote gone quiet” if you saw them not being quiet about it?
Like those just become “protestors” right?
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Because the accounts who’se goal was to influence the election have done their job, they are taking a break.
Because they never existed in any meaningful capacity.
Good job being trained to hate other poor people
There’s no genocide if you’re not around to fight for your land, I guess. No wars under trump - yeah, because he forces you to bend over and take it up the ass.
Protest votes did not meaningfully impact the election
Resettling Palestinians elsewhere seems like a straightforward solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Honestly baffling no one else thought of this given how many decades this thing has been happening.
-A very stable genius, apparently
What could possibly go wrong with the forced insertion of a group of people into a concentrated geographic region?
Just stick them in Kurdistan. Land without a people for a people without a land … I think I’ve seen this one before …
Jordan is already majority Palestinian. It even used to be part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Culture and language in Jordan are very close to Palestine in general.
Ignoring the genocidal premise of forcibly moving Palestinians off their land after Israel just razed their houses, Jordan is a tiny country of 10million people who have their own cultural identity beyond being Arab or close to Palestine.
They are already home to 3 million refugees, most of whom are Palestinian, and 1 million are Iraqis. To ask them to take on anyone else is beyond a joke. Especially when Israel and the US have spent decades finding new ways to destabilise its neighbours and make them flee into its borders. Jordan is also not a rich country. Wealthier countries need to step up, and that should include the US given its culpability in this genocide. But the US has just elected a man-baby who will bemoan its international responsibilities for the next 4 years so there’s no chance of that happening.
I understand where you coming from but that view seems half informed. The whole cultural identity argument was also pushed by Arafat as a way to force Palestinians to stay in Gaza instead of assimilating into Israeli society or leaving to Egypt, Syria, or Jordan
Whether or not it was emphasised by him, Yasser Arafat did not invent Palestinian culture. He did not invent eating musakhan, singing ataaba songs at weddings or any of the children’s games that Palestinian children play.
To believe that Palestinians have no distinct identity, you would have to ignore the fact that Palestinians are a distinct group within the neighbouring countries that they live in. Families who have lived for 2-3 generations in places like Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon continue to view themselves as Palestinian, and continue to maintain cultural traditions particular to the place they were expelled from.
Fair argument. My point, however, is that many, many Palestinians wanted out to avoid suffering but the PLA and then Hezbollah made it purposefully difficult for them to leave so that those political leaders would have people forcibly kept there to help bolster their personal political agendas. Being expelled is not right but if people want out to avoid suffering, they should be allowed to go
Most of the millions of Palestinian refugees living in Jordan were born in Jordan. They are descendants of refugees from 1948 and 1967. They live in regular housing. The so called Palestinian refugee camps ins Jordan look and operate like normal towns.
To ask them to take on anyone else is beyond a joke
Maybe the people of Gaza should be asked what they want. I’m sure some would prefer living in Jordan.
Your post history shows that you’re an unrepentant genocide denier, so don’t try to pretend that you care what the people of Gaza want. Especially not when your original comment boils down to ‘they’re all Arabs, they should live with the other Arabs.’ Which is a much loved, but entirely bullshit Zionist argument that has been used to dispossess the Palestinians for decades.
I would prefer nobody died or have to leave their home in this region.
Arabs are pretty different. I was talking about Jordan specifically.
The so called Palestinian refugee camps ins Jordan look and operate like normal towns.
Having been there and seen them, no they are not. In addition, Palestinians in Jordan do not have the same rights as Jordanians.
I’m sure some would prefer living in Jordan.
You have just breezed past the point that Jordan has one of the highest percentages of refugees in the world, they are not a rich country, and the fact that some colonialists want to dump more on them is a crime.
Oh ok never mind then, genocide back on (and yes, this is still genocide).
Refugees leaving a warzone is genocide?
Just like Solomon, only he kills one of the women…
And who gets Gaza, Don?
I’m having trouble thinking, need some stable
geniusconqueror genocide energy.New Gaz-a-Lago golf course speedrun.
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s former White House adviser and his son-in-law, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the area.
Further in the article he says this:
Additionally, Kushner suggested that he “would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” adding: “I know that won’t be the popular thing to do, but I think that’s a better option to do, so you can go in and finish the job.”
“I think Israel’s gone way more out of their way than a lot of other countries would, to try to protect civilians from casualties,” Kushner added.
Fucking ghoul.
Not giving civilians the chance to flee the warzone during a war is unique to this war. In any other war, civilians would have fled the country until the war is over.
Those who could afford to pay the necessary bribes to Egypt left. Most were forced to stay.
Trump says he wants to commit another genocide
Seriously, that is what that headline says, and nobody bays an eye anymore because it’s trump so of course he’s saying this shit
Because it was never only about the genocide. They care more about who they wanted to blame for it. They’re conspicuously silent now that it’s trump.
So the great plan that the republicans and sit outs voted/ did not vote for as an alternative to Harris was to remove everyone from their country and force everyone else to take them as refugees? Like forced evacuation? Leave or die? Ukraine should be pretty scared right about now.
Putting the Palestinians from Gaza in other Arab countries and giving their remaining land to Israel sounds like a recipe for destruction of their national identity.
Forcible resettlements are not listed in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, but in my opinion the essential effect would be achieved none the less.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- Killing members of the group;
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Ah… One more international convention the USA will choose to ignore. It does not matter who is in government, the USA adheres to only very few of them
Jordan already has a majority Palestinian population. I don’t think intent to destroy fits, so it’s not genocide.
Forced displacement and ethnic cleansing can be crimes against humanity though.
Giving Gazans the option to relocate to Jordan voluntarily is not a crime.
I didn’t want to touch on the intent question, because to some degree it’s not knowable from the outside and to some degree there is a multitude of intents out there. And since the resettlement already doesn’t fit the “method” criteria I thought I didn’t have to.
For what it’s worth I think Trump is more likely just trying to quiet the situation in a heavy handed way, for a political win, and to satisfy Israeli interests and maybe also to satisfy some interest groups local to him. I don’t think he has a reason to want to destroy Palestine as a nation or identity. On the other hand he also wouldn’t give much of a shit about their interests. And of course he spouts this stuff quickly, without careful analysis beforehand, as always.
In contrast I think some of the Israeli parties, the extreme settler ones, probably would like the Palestinian Identity gone, so they can “finally” claim all the land they want to call Israel.
As for Netanyahu, I don’t know. Sometimes I felt like what he wanted most was a continued frozen conflict because it stabilizes him in domestic politics. But when the conflict heated up he changed to strongman tactics. What’s next I don’t understand well. Does he want to re-freeze, or find some sort of lasting resolution…
I didn’t want to touch on the intent question
Intent is essential for genocide. Dolus specialis, look it up.
Reportedly Trump has been already influential in bringing about the current ceasefire and hostage exchange. There’s potential for the situation to change significantly. Annexation of parts of the West Bank is a possibility.
Netanyahu wants to stay in power and out of prison. At the moment that means appeasing the extremists. He will likely not survive the upcoming Knesset investigation into October 7th politically.
Intent is essential for genocide. Dolus specialis, look it up.
Well yes, it was in the part I copied in the top comment, I didn’t overlook it.
If you read the next sentence after your quote I gave the reasoning why I think we don’t have to get into it for the analysis of these hypothetical circumstances: Article 2 already doesn’t apply for other reasons.
So Biden was the bad person who allowed Netanyahu to kill all those people? No. Trump will allow Israel to completely take over all Palestinian areas and either kill them all off or forcefully remove them. Netty’s plan was always to take that land back for Israel.
I don’t think you realize that pointing out Trump will be worse for Palestinians (which is tragic and true) doesn’t absolve Biden for failing reprehensibly to use his power in the US-Israel relationship to stem the mass killing and genocide of Palestinians.
It doesn’t have to. Biden and Harris being significantly less bad is enough to make them a better choice
Trolley problem etc
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criticising Biden without also criticising Trump
I have always been careful to criticize conservatives for being worse, so has the vast majority of people who are upset about the Palestinian Genocide and having their leaders betray their basic values.
This feels like being attacked for being a “Bernie Bro” when EVERY leftist I knew especially in swingstates voted for Hillary despite despising her.
It seems like a lot of moderates have decided every dead Palestinian will be another opportunity to tell the world about how they were right about everything forever but the unstoppably powerful American leftist movement ruined everything and any counter-arguments or inconvenient facts will just be ignored while they repost the same four or five talking points and memes
I think on some level they feel guilty about how everything has turned out and this is their way of processing that, so, like, there’s some humanity in this still deep down at least
Yeah it honestly has got to suck, that is why you have to pull the emergency alarm connected to the massive bright red blinking TURN BACK NOW sign as soon as direct moral and ethical complicity in genocide begins to enter the picture.
If you don’t shit gets overwhelmingly complicated fast and inveitably nuanced narratives collapse into a white dwarf of simple stories, us vs them attitudes and blinding complacency.
It also means that any coalition you build is full of members that violated their beliefs and values (secular or religious) for the chance to work with you… which means they are either desperate or they don’t have integrity.
…and you know what at the end of the day that is bargaining from a position of extreme weakness and even the checked out uninformed voter who puts very little intellectual pursuit into deciding who they will vote for can sense that and they will coldly see it for the weakness it is.
Turn back to what? There is no political party in America capable of winning a nationwide election that isn’t complicit. I just tried to keep every conversation I had with people about why they should vote for Harris focused on what an idiot Trump was and how bad his response to COVID was and I just didn’t talk about Palestine at all because I honestly think Harris was a genocide accommodating piece of shit on this (and on immigration issues) and had to focus on how she was going to be better about LGBT and disability issues to keep myself motivated to vote for her at all.
I have supported political coalitions of people who I think would let me and my friends be killed if there were enough votes or dollars in it my entire life because I’ll take their apathy over Republicans’ hostility, but I’m not going to lie about who they are, especially not when I think it’s a big part of the problems they’ve been having problems beating Republicans.
criticising Biden without also criticising Trump is why we now have a narcissistic sociopath in the White House.
well, they did tell all the young democrats not to vote for Joe, so they didn’t. do they call that a phyrric victory? no that’s egyptian. anyway, congratulations to everyone who marched on ever major us city, and took over campus commons across the nation in the spring and summer of an election year, chanting “from the river to the sea”. i wonder if that scared the bezeezus outta just middle america or all of it. anyway, enjoy your victory over “genocide joe” folks
Okay if this goes through I’ll have to admit that the leopards have indeed eaten faces.
It’s actually a good idea.
Found Netanyahu ^
It’s genocide.
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I hope Trump bans all your genders.
Funny enough, this is the second time in as many days that I’ve seen one of you people specifically singling out LGBTQ+ people in your little temper tantrums. Makes it pretty obvious that Palestine was just your excuse to welcome the christian nationalists in. You see, we suspected that you didn’t care before but now it appears your masks are slipping off.
Most of them clearly didn’t even know what Palestine even was prior to October 7, and others still, aren’t aware that the West Bank is even a fucking thing.
They’re clueless.
Settle down love, he already has.