Infinite options does not mean all options. Eg in the set natural numbers 0-infinity the set of infinite numbers between 0-1 (or between any other 2 adjacent numbers) is absent.
So you can definitely have an infinite multiverse where in all of them infinite multiverses exist.
There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1, but none of them is 2.
Infinite options does not mean all options.
Right, as you said the natural numbers is an infinite set but it doesn’t contain fractional numbers between adjacent natural numbers. The set of natural numbers also doesn’t contain letters, or colors, or varieties of geese. You can even add other constraints to the set and still have an infinite set that contains even fewer possible values, like you could have the set of all natural numbers that don’t contain the digit 3.
People make the mistake of thinking that an infinite set of universes means that there is every conceivable version of a universe out there, but that’s not the case. Murphy’s law says that anything that can happen will happen, but that means things are still constrained by what can happen. Reality is constrained by consistent logic, the most basic of which is the identity law, p = p. It is a contradiction for both p and ~p to be true, a violation of reality. So if the multiverse is a reality, it is a single reality that is self consistent, meaning there is no Universe in the multiverse for which there doesn’t exist a multiverse.
Yes, even in an infinite multiverse, there is no universe where science_memes commenters have sex.
Mitosis in every single one of them.
Given an unlimited amount of tries, I can win any major lottery 10 times in a row.
Given an unlimited amount of tries, I still cannot go super saiyan. Believe me, I’m close to that amount of tries!
Have you tried screaming and flexing really hard?
Ya, I pooped a little and lost consciousness.
Only a little? There’s your problem!
Ahhh, I get it. So you are saying that I need to eat taco Bell beforehand. Because that is the one sure way I can be sure that I will thoroughly shit myself when I am unconscious.
Precisely! Only then will you achieve super saiyan!
Wait wouldn’t that only be super saying? As in we would super be talking about it?
Given an unlimited number of fries, I can go super fat.
Do you make your back tingle?
Infinite doesn’t mean everything. Infinite can include a repeating pattern, even a huge repeating pattern which seems random at first. Not everything you could possibly imagine would necessarily have to exist in the multiverse.
And even if infinite and perfectly random, some things may just not be feasible and just not exist.
If pi is infinite, that means pi must contain i
Well obviously. It’s right there next to the p.
It does not contain e though.
e^(i*pi) + 1
except in the universe it is feasible and exists
In an infinite list of letters, every single book ever written, every word ever spoken (and to be written/spoken) should be present no?
I guess the only caveat is that in an infinite universe certain physical laws could be universal (which would prevent eg any universe to break the speed of light)? But some version of me having hair past my 30s should certainly exist no?
Or am I getting this completely wrong?
“A” repeating is an infinite list of letters
Lol, OK. Yeah. Didn’t think about caveats. :D
This infinite list of letters could be "any random combination of letters EXCEPT when that makes the word “banana”. A subset of an infinite set can still be infinite.
Infinite != all possibilities
Ah, fair enough. So that’s similar to “infinite universes of infinite possibilities, except light can never go faster than 300.000 km/sec”?
Or am I getting this completely wrong?
I mean, the whole premise is getting this completely wrong. The actual physics idea behind multiple universes is that every possibility in specific quantum events happens, each one being in a separate, ‘parallel’, universe where everything else in the universe is exactly the same. All the laws of physics stay the same, just the results of all the cumulative random possibilities are different.
This is also not the only explanation of that strange phenomenon in quantum mechanics.
Given an unlimited amount of tries, anything that has a non-zero chance of happening, no matter how unlikely will happen. But what has absolute zero chance of happening will still not happen.
If there are multiple countries on the planet Earth, that must mean there’s a country where the other countries don’t exist.
I think that’s North Korea
You spelled United States of America wrong.
Most Americans acknowledge the existence of other countries, that just refuse to believe those other countries have access to electricity, plumbing, or the internet.
Other countries exist, they just belong the United Empire.
Infinite countries. Which mumblemumble clearly makes it all work.
Aargh! Okay, I’m going to fix this and the fine tuned universe argument all at once.
Nature does not care about your silly numbers and hypotheses. All of our scientific mechanics are models of the observed universe. The ones we call theories are just models good enough to be usefully predictive as to forecast outcomes, allowing us to safely land airplanes, build bridges, make safe pharmaceuticals (or super addictive ones, if we want), split atoms safely to produce power (or unsafely to level cities) and so on.
We care about the math and the numbers because they give us results that are consistent with nature. But nature is doing what it’s doing because it’s behaving as a giant causal engine (ever-smaller forces that drive observable phenomena, at least until we get to Planck scale). So when it comes to the fine tuned hypothesis, to quote a Texas physicist whose name I can’t remember These numbers ain’t for fiddlin’
If there are any storm gods at all, anywhere in the world, to the last, they are content to allow lightning to behave strictly according to static-electricity electrodynamics. And ball lightning happens whether or not we have a model that explains it. (Presently, we don’t.)
If one or more of the many-worlds hypotheses are true, no given universe cares what its science-savvy inhabitants have determined and whether their mathematical models allow for models that are factual. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Facts don’t care about your science either. It’s more that the science does is best to describe what’s going on in the facts.
Irreducible complexity is solved.
PS: This also stabilizes the cosmic horror scenario of Azathoth’s dream, that Azathoth gibbers in the center of the universe dreaming its whole, and each and every one of us is a mere figment, who will vanish to oblivion when eventually he awakes: From what we can observe Azathoth has been dreaming consistently for thirteen billion years, and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to wake up, and his dream is profoundly consistent so that the mathematics we use to send probes from planet to planet, eventually into the outer solar system always works. Azathoth has our back!
Upvoted just because you referenced the Lovecraft Dream Cycle, epic l
Azathoth just happens to be really useful to make idealism and the simulation hypothesis plausible. Either way, the mechanics that govern the universe are profoundly consistent and are not as fragile as our own dreams / our own simple, buggy simulations. So yeah.
As I’ve said before: All hail Azathoth!
Oof that reminds me…
When my partner and I had already been living together for a while, we had one of those “cuddle on the couch and deeptalk” days, when she confided that, while she was not religious in any traditional sense of the word, she felt immensely comforted by the thought of an infinite multiverse existing.
“If there’s an infinite amount of parallel worlds, then I choose to believe that even if I die here, life goes on in another world, so in a sense my being and existence do not simply vanish completely. Same for you! And hey, even if we both die, we’ll get to continue living together in some version of the infinite multiverse!”It was clearly a thought that comforted her a lot, and at the same time a rather intimate belief that she chose to share with me. So, like the idiot I am, I stared her in the face blankly and went “There’s an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1, and none of them are 2”.
I really regret that. She let me know later that that one sentence shattered the belief for her. Which is sad, because it’s such an innocent thought. There’s no religious behaviors or conditions or rituals attached to it, it’s just comforting.
It’s comments like this that make me glad I know how to read the room
I usually do, I promise. Anyways, that was 6 years ago. We’re stil going strong, making the most of life in this universe :)
Your comment doesn’t really make sense though, a two doesn’t appear in the numbers between zero and one because it’s not the type of thing that appears in that set. Alternative version of you absolutely are things that appear in a multiverse.
Sorry, I should have gone more into the actual belief. For her it was less of an “if I make a decision that leads to my death in this universe, there surely is a parallel universe where I did not!”, it was “if I die in this universe, thanks to an infinite multiverse, there must be one where I spontaneously start exisitng with all my exact memories from the previous life”.
Ah ok.
Sounds like she’s essentially describing the Quantum Immortality concept. It’s definitely highly speculative but it’s not beyond the pale.
That’s a nice belief of hers but it also neglects the negatives of what that implies. If each of us had infinite variations of ourselves somewhere in a multiverse, then there are varieties where the two of you continue living a nice happy life together even if one of you dies.
However, there would also be versions where you never met and got together with other people, other versions where you hate each other, other versions where you go through terrible things together or by yourselves, versions where one of you or both are drug addicts living in the street, versions where you become millionaires but don’t want to share your wealth, versions where you become supreme leaders and act like despotic authoritarian rulers or versions where both of you just never meet or connect with one another.
If there are infinite variations of ourselves out there, not all of them will be happy comforting stories. Maybe this is one of those versions that are good. Maybe this is one of the best versions.
Ouch. I feel that comment on many levels.
There’s an infinite amount of numbers within a range but the limits of the range are still constraints. What’s to say the end of our lives is a constraint on the multiverse? Maybe within a local minima of historically similar universes one individual’s life could be so important that theres a shared constraint, but I kinda doubt that that exists across the entire multiverse. But really we will never know. As such your partner isn’t wrong still, they just have to take an agnostic approach that there’s no way to know. But it’s not wrong to choose to believe that your deaths are not constraints on the entire multiverse, that’s just their interpretation.
“If there is an infinite number of buckets, there must be a bucket where the other buckets don’t exist.”
If there are an infinite number of road junctions, there must be one that reaches a place where road junctions don’t exist.
That’s the airstrip.
Taxiways would like a word.
Ooo, look at you with your fancy infrastructure. I bet you even have commercial flights!
In all seriousness, some airstrips have only a paved runway, and it’s just dirt for everything else.
Fair enough. The ice runways in Antarctica seem like a good example of ‘no intersections,’ don’t they?
There are infinite numbers, but none of the numbers are the apple I ate last week.
I know one thing that’s absolutely true about the multiverse!
The multiverse is a convenient excuse to reboot superheroes for a new audience to make money.this is stupid. The existence of an infinite number of universes does not at all imply they must represent infinite variability.
The set of all possible universes does not include impossible universes. If you assume all possible universes exist, you’ve already eliminated universes that are the only universe as impossible.
I’d argue that multiverse theory being true would be a property of the multiverse, not a property of any individual universe, but the ‘infinity not including all possibilities’ part is true too
Given infinite buckets, there’s a bucket where the other buckets don’t exist
This is illogical. That is all.
Don’t you love it when people say random, illogical bullshit that sounds vaguely sciency and pretends to be deep?
Of course not, I hate jokes
Of course, that’s why we use Reddit