It’s 2 months into a trump presidency. I don’t care how a shutdown reflects on the dnc. With all the dumb shit the gop does in the next 2 years this will be forgotten by next wednesday. The dnc’s polling is trash and their donors are fleeing, why even count on being able to legitimately win another election? God knows they haven’t changed a damn thing.
It’s 2 months into a trump presidency. I don’t care how a shutdown reflects on the dnc. With all the dumb shit the gop does in the next 2 years this will be forgotten by next wednesday. The dnc’s polling is trash and their donors are fleeing, why even count on being able to legitimately win another election? God knows they haven’t changed a damn thing.
Their small time donors are fleeing. Their corporate buddies are still lining their pockets with the big bucks.
That’s not a brag