Unlike in Trump’s first term, Democratic voters say 2-to-1 they want party leaders to fight rather than compromise, even at the risk of not getting things done, per the NBC News poll.
No no no, people can’t possibly dislike his comments. It has to be a coordinated effort to suppress his views via a voting system that matters even less than reddit’s. What’s more likely? That people dislike his approach, or a shadowy cabal of downvote fairies that have taken an interest in him specifically? I think the answer speaks for itself.
You’d be a lot more effective if you just shared the polls right away.
I still think I’m very effective. Don’t be swayed by a downvote botnet, look for the signs of organic behavior.
no one’s programming a botnet over your attitude. people are just trying to gently encourage a less snotty behavior
No no no, people can’t possibly dislike his comments. It has to be a coordinated effort to suppress his views via a voting system that matters even less than reddit’s. What’s more likely? That people dislike his approach, or a shadowy cabal of downvote fairies that have taken an interest in him specifically? I think the answer speaks for itself.