I’d like to thank everyone for my most upvoted post on lemmy ever. Not only have you upvoted it to the top for like 2 days you commented the shit out of it. I’d like to take this opportunity to say fuck the mods of this instance. This was my second post coming off a 30 day ban and I want to say these fucking mods have been nothing but removed. I’ve never been more attacked on any other instance, subreddit, forum, etc. then I have been in this fucking instance. Not only have I been attacked I’ve been told my memes arent memey enough again and again.
I’ll be honest, I do not know how to make a meme but I keep posting just to piss in these mods cheerios.
Thanks lemmy.world/politicalmemes for being the worst community I’ve ever been a part of.
I want you to understand what it is you’re talking about when you say things like this:
You are asking for what it’s the equivalent of all of Europe revolting against leadership that never leaves Prague.
America is really fucking big. I live in Seattle. I have been protesting. But my state officials are already more or less on my side
For me to protest in a way that actually causes a problem for the people in power I would need to drive no less than 41 hours if I didn’t sleep. Realistically it’s 3-4 days each way. Or hundreds of dollars in airfare or train tickets.
And of course I’d be fired for missing work.
I’m pissed as any American but what the fuck am I supposed to do? Asking America to revolt isn’t like asking England or France or Belgium. Our leaders are in a proverbial ivory tower and we’ve been stripped of any ability to effect change through anything but a national strike, which has not been successfully organized, largely due to the scale required.
We have 341m people on 10M km² of land. Compare that to somewhere like Germany with 84m people on 357k km²
It’s a much easier proposition getting 10% of Germans to their capital than getting 10% of Americans to ours
Here, ‘just stop oil’ has been throwing beans at famous artworks for publicity. The art works are all behind glass so aren’t harmed. They then put it on social media. They also climb tall stuff and put up banners.
How about sponsoring people who have the time to go protest, hiring buses and setting up camps like occupy did? People who can’t go can chip in to fund it.
You should coordinate strikes countrywide and don’t stop striking until conditions are met. Like the writers of Hollywood did. They reached their goals.
Everyone who needs to strike is living paycheck to paycheck. Nobody wants to become homeless in order to strike. And our media and networking are largely controlled by compromised assets.
I’ve been in and out of politics as a personal interest since the early 2000a. We’re in a really bad situation right now.
Without a central voice to organize and lead people we’re not going to be able to coordinate enough people across the country
Union dues fund a strike fund that is used to pay workers while they strike, that’s why unions are so important to be able to strike.
Unions also call for strikes as a centralized authority, which the US populace completely lacks. When France had those huge labor strikes a few years ago it was all called for by 5 or 6 unions.
I tell everyone I know to sign a strike card at https://generalstrikeus.com/ but that platform is fully decentralized. Right now it takes several days for another 10K signatures, and the critical mass we’re trying to achieve is 11 million. Yes, it’s the best option I’ve found, and YES that rate will increase exponentially the more people who get involved, but is it efficient and timely? No, but it’s the best we’ve got rn because the power of labor unions has been purposefully dismantled over decades.
Which is great except for all the people not in unions, and that most heavily unionized trade jobs in the US are somehow populated with people who both stand to lose a lot from Trump’s policies and who are among his staunchest supporters.
One huge example:
A lot of those unions are politically agnostic to partisan slant because they’re trying to navigate the current political climate, where they’re basically unilaterally hated and unprotected, but also a lot of big unions exist functionally as an extension of the HR department of these companies because of how popular support for them has been drained, membership has dwindled, labor power has dwindled amongst their lower members because of increased automation, and because they’ve just straight up slowly been dismantled over time and legally gimped.
Hopefully more workers in other industries and areas that traditionally aren’t unionized take the risk to unionize, perhaps with the IWW’s help.
They can’t just let all paycheck to paycheck people die. And you can try looking after yourself, since the government seems not to care anyway
Don’t sell your crops to megacorp but give it to fellow strikers for free, for example
Don’t code for fascists, but create tools to organise yourself in a save manner
Health care workers, don’t sell the medicines and your work, steal all medicines possible and give them to fellow strikers
Don’t clean any public properties
Use your skills for the good, not the evil
They CAN let all paycheck to paycheck people die and will happily do it.
Why do you think they’re cutting medicaid and social security?
This country is fucked and the people who SHOULD be leading the resistance, the democrats, would rather whine helplessly because they are down 1-2 seats in congress.
They would not earn any money if they can’t profit on the back of Workers, without getting to be workers themselves.
Most on them don’t ever need to earn another cent, and will still die with massive wealth.
Taking away their food, water and electricity is about the only thing that would help, but it would kill millions first.
Real question here - why not? If the powers that be are facing the potential of unrest in the face of their tyranny, why wouldn’t they let the protesters starve? Does this not only preemptively eliminate potential opposition? Do you think they simply care out of some hidden shred of dignity of something?
I think all of you black & white accelerationists are either ignorant or deceitful about the reality of the stakes in play here. I’m not saying revolution shouldn’t happen, won’t happen, can’t happen, or any of that, but I’m tired of listening to people acting like this choice is as casual as picking what sandwich to have and not the very real acceptance of potentially fatal or otherwise devastating consequences. Necessary action or not, that’s not the kind of thing to treat so cavalier.
We only have to look to the USSR and its history of starving the kulaks to death (Holodomor but also many other countries including Russia) to know that a dictator absolutely CAN allow swathes of the population to starve without penalty, but it can be a winning strategy.
First of all, you have chosen to read it as “black and white”, that generally does not exist, everything is a spectrum.
Secondly, the economy of America does not work without workers and rich don’t get richer anymore, which they seemingly don’t like
And yea maybe the way I wrote is making it look too easy, I see that, but I don’t plan the revolution, that is the job of the American people
I think we are having same or similar opinions, I just did manage to write it as good as I wanted. 🙊
Wait until you hear who owns most of our farms.
Crops don’t yield without workers… Plants don’t care who own them. What are they gonna do?
Fair point, but those megacorp owned farms aren’t going to be giving it away to strikers regardless of who is doing the picking.
Either get scabbers, or take advantage of increased automation, or a combination of the two. The only way to prevent those scabbers is with outright illegal militant action focused on targeting them, which would earn you the ire of the state, and which most people also don’t want to engage in due to moral qualms.
You can prevent a couple trucks from leaving an amazon warehouse for a couple days when you can organize a general strike where you’re paying everyone a full stipend after saving maybe years of union dues, and that’s the legal way to protest, which costs like, tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenditure every day, and is basically a war of wealth attrition with a huge megacorporation.
You could do that, or you could get like one or two guys to slash tires, and then set those trucks back for about the same amount of time. Or slash the tires of the individual scabber’s home cars, which is maybe gonna be easier to pull off. How much of that militant action can you engage in, as an organization, though, before the feds just decide to completely crack down on you and deem you to be domestic terrorists, along the lines of what happened to the people engaged in the “stop cop city” movement? That’s a good example of what’s even a relatively low scale and low stakes operation, that’s not very militant, and they’re still getting slapped with rico charges and domestic terrorism.
If the government does what it can no matter if law doesn’t allow it, so can a worker.
The people who grow the crops are still hoping Trump works out. Because whatever he’s doing is better than respecting pronouns.
You can start to grow crops yourself, if you don’t go to work.
If you live on enough land to grow crops. If you own the land you live on. Otherwise when you miss rent for long enough men with guns will come force you out.
Pretty sure they also don’t pause property taxes based on your income.
No. If you’re rich enough, you put it under some abstract business entity and write off any taxes with invented losses.
Americans are struggling because of a lack of socialism, basically. They can’t do this and keep the hyper individualistic and selfish society they have now. Anyone reading this, look up libertarian socialism. Socialism can co-exist with capitalism and does so successfully in many countries. Make it happen in your state and who knows, you too could have the safety net needed to assert your democratic rights in a crisis.
That’s one reason. Another is accelerationists intentionally supporting increased suffering with religious dedication, believing, despite all of the evidence otherwise, that if they throw enough LGBTQ+ and genocidees under the bus, it will stop, rather than just swerving to avoid the heap of corpses.
Sign a strike card! https://generalstrikeus.com/
Your state officials are already on your side, but your senators and representatives are likely following the DNC’s ineffectual leadership and—among other things—confirming Trump’s nominations for office. If so that’s what you should be protesting. Make sure your state officials are also resisting Trump policies that affect the state (like California should have been doing when Trump started messing with their water reservoirs).
Then organize one. Unionize, and if already unionized have your union leaders cooperate with other unions to prepare so when the time comes they can quickly organize a general strike.