Bollards save lives. All pedestrian areas should be protected from cars by some kind of physical barrier. This protects against intentional attacks and drunk driving incidents.
The French Quarter has retractable bollards in that area. They had been temporarily removed for upgrades ahead of the Super Bowl. At least that’s the story circulating here.
If that’s true I hope they get the shit sued out of them. “Oh sorry we decided to risk you all being murdered for a while”
New Orleans government is legendarily inconmpetent and corrupt, especially law enforcement.
Yeah, and my understanding was there was some other kind of blockade up and he just went around it.
Including bike lanes and bikeways!
There are bollards around the quarter during events. Reports are that the truck. Intensionally avoided and drove through barriers
Reports ARE that the truck.
They have them. There are bollards and retractable mechanical devices to block off the busy part of Bourbon. One was down for some reason.
Ostensibly the bollards aren’t on the sidewalk so the assailant drove around them
10 dead, 30 injured after car intentionally plows into crowds in New Orleans
Yet another fucking exculpatory headline minimizing the agency of the assailant because his weapon of choice happened to be a car. No, headline writer, the car didn’t do a goddamn thing; its driver did. Even putting “intentionally” in there, while better than nothing, still fails to make up for using the wrong subject!
Better version:
10 dead, 30 injured after assailant intentionally rams car into crowd in New Orleans
This is basically the same type of shit as minimizing police responsibility with headlines like “bystander struck by bullet during officer-involved shooting” (as opposed to “police officer shoots bystander”), and just as systematic and egregious. The only difference is that it’s done in service of car-supremacy rather than the abusive police state. I am really sick and tired of it, in both contexts.
After ramming the crowd, the killer got out and opened fire.
This was an intentional attack.
The key point is that that intention needs to be ascribed to the person, not the inanimate object.
I wasn’t arguing against that. I was giving missing context
Media literacy FTW
This is how propaganda does the heavy lifting, folks, not with spotlights and posters, but grammatical sleight of mind.
last may the governor signed a law making it legal for drivers to run over people blocking the road fyi
Just another day in the world’s greatest country.
/s if it isn’t obvious
To be fair this was likely inspired from the German Christmas market attack. Though… they don’t have the best track record as a country either.
I don’t know how the roads were not blocked. After a similar attack many years ago, all streets with events I have been to are blocked with garbage trucks, police cars or huge concrete blocks to prevent attacks like this.
Edit: read that there was a police car blockade and the he drove around it on the side walk.
I was in NYC a couple weeks ago, and Rockerfeller was closed to traffic and PACKED. What was holding back traffic? A couple cops holding police tape, lmao.
Wow, even my pissant Midwest town has proper anti-vehicle roadblocks that they roll out for any parade or event
I was referring to Times Square for New Years. Surprised it isn’t the same in other places.
Huh, I wonder why there are no racist posts on right wing social media
Officers returned fire, killing Jabbar , a U.S.-born citizen from Texas, sources said.
Ahh, there it is.
“mere hours before the attack, [Jabbar] posted videos on social media indicating that he’s inspired by ISIS, expressing a desire to kill.”
Bro what???
He also did IT for the US army so yeah, pretty unexpected.
Private contractors are a huge portion of IT for the military.
Last thing I’d want to do is anger a NOLA cop.
Holy ctap. Two cops shot, bomb found in the quarter. Hell of a deal.
The Hotels around Bourbon street have locked their doors, allowing no one in or out.
Bro NOPD is worthless what lol
One day I called the elevator in my condo building. When the doors opened, the interior was covered in blood. There was a guy who was semiconcious leaning there. He was beat to hell. So, I decided to take the stairs. On the way down, I called 911. When I got down to the security gate, there was a NOPD car. I explained what I had seen. The cop explained that he had given the guy a ride to my building. Now, I don’t know what kind of ride it was, but it was obvious he didn’t give a fuck.
Using a Ford Lightning means at least they were concerned with the environment.
Or they wanted more weight for mass casualties.
The pictures show the box empty and they could have just used a standard F-350 if weight was the reason.
Yeah, but EV is quieter and heavier By default. There’s probably a way to disable the speaker that puts out the noise to warn pedestrians too. I’m sure they chose that car for a reason.
Base lightning is the same weight as an F-350.
Or thought they were Thor.
The suspect was a member of one of the world’s largest and most extensively distributed terrorist organizations, the US Army.
“mere hours before the attack, [Jabbar] posted videos on social media indicating that he’s inspired by ISIS, expressing a desire to kill.”
Did…did you read the same articles as everyone else?
Nah sorry he wasn’t brown
Turn the French Quarter into a pedestrian zone with hydraulic bollocks to allow the delivery trucks into the area. After 9 pm, no more deliveries.
hydraulic bollocks
Better he doesn’t get a terrorist charge/label…
Read in yep really consistent government. Such bullshit
He’s dead, after a shootout with the cops
So if they die they aren’t terrorists? So 9-11 weren’t terrorists cause they died in their attack?
He was most definitely a terrorist. Who said he wasn’t?
The FBI, apparently.
We can’t use words like terrorist until we find out what colour they are or if they killed anybody rich.
you only get called a terrorist if you unalive a ceo
So he got away from the police, and the FBI says they don’t consider it a terrorist thing. Which means he is white. And he probably ran his car into PoC.
“He was shot and killed by police when he got out of his vehicle with an assault rifle, the officials said.”
Doesn’t sound like he got away.
There were initial reports that he got away. But it looks like he didn’t now, and even the FBI upgraded him to “Terrorist”. In contrast to some guy currently in a New York prison, I would say that this label does apply.
There were initial reports that he got away. But it looks like he didn’t now,
And that’s why we shouldn’t go crazy with wild speculation when all we have is “initial reports” and little other verifiable information.
Maybe we learned a lesson about trusting initial reports for a hot take.
deleted by creator
Yep, that is the current state of information. Which differs from the state of information when I wrote my piece.
US government: We need to distablize Syria to ensure Israel safety, best recommendations is to support sunni group to topple the government.
US, Israel: create ISIS
ISIS: attack US bases
US: ISIS is terrorist organization
ISIS start gaining ground in Syria.
Israel, US and Turkey: start support ISIS again.
ISIS take over Syria government.
US: they are no longer ISIS and leader is no longer on hit list
ISIS: sucider attack US citizen
the United States government will gave ISIS nuclear weapons if ISRAEL are happy regardless of effect on threats in American soils and the implications of US soldiers and citizens abroad.
Same to what they did with drug, environment, and health care. Citizen of the United States is the least of the government interest.