If you clip a healthy plant without asking the owner first, you’re a dick. But if I see you do it at a store, no I didn’t. Cause the store made $2,550,000 while I was typing this.
Are we talking about the 450 square meter store that looks like an industrial warehouse, or the 12 square meter handcrafted-everything boutique?
Cause if it’s the former, I didn’t see you shoplift a whole ass plant and if it’s the latter and I see you clip the tiniest part of a plant, I’m calling you out loudly.
It’s a dick move to pinch leaves if for no other reason that someone else may want to buy that plant, and you’re damaging it. Enough people do it, it’s a dead plant.
Leaves fallen to the floor? Boutique or not, fair game. If you’re willing to propagate from a leaf, you’re probably not going to be buying whole plants anyway, and it doesn’t hurt the store.
Imagine going to the hardware store and someone calls it a fucking “boutique”. It’s just Ace Hardware, calm down. Robert, the guy with the nose ring over there, didn’t really craft that screwdriver by hand, either. Fuckin’ liar. Yeah I’m talking about you, the fuck you gonna do about it? Next time I see you explaining how you ‘create lightbulbs with love’, I’m lighting your car on fire. Don’t think I won’t!
Anyway, what were we - oh yeah. Ace Hardware. Now impeccably posh, I guess.
Imagine going to the hardware store and someone calls it a fucking “boutique”.
No one ever did that, they’re talking about a garden center you know where you get plants a hardware store is where you get bits of wood, some spare drain pipe and fork handles.
Yeah. Also I explained it in another comment, but in my country there’s usually two types of places where you can get flowers. Large flower or hardware stores for one, but then the rest are tiny oases of beauty where the owner is also the person selling you the flowers, and have their own handcrafted items for decoration and/or sale, like vases, baskets, etc.
That’s like the farthest thing from a hardware store, even if hardware stores do indeed also sell flowers. But I guess there are places in the world where beautiful small family businesses don’t exist so all you get is Walmart and Ace Hardware and then you think all businesses are giant faceless corporations.
Yeah, we have those in the US too. Not sure why that other commenter seems to think Ace Hardware is the smallest business that sells plants, there are plenty of small nurseries in every state.
What Ace hardware? We don’t have those in my country.
There’s exactly two types of flower stores I see around here. The gigantic chains where everything is sterile and the tiny boutiques where either the owner is the only employee, or maybe they have like 1-2 extra employees so they can stay open more than 5x8 and actually take vacations. And yeah, some hardware stores also have flowers, but I’d categorize those together with the former.
Ace is a small form store in the states, typically the size of a modest house or smaller, that sells home improvement stuff. As opposed to mega big-box places that you can get lost in.
I mean if you’re pinching a leaf then that’s not in the dubious territory, that’s just straight up stealing. And it’s not like someone is stealing fucking plant leaves to stave off starvation lol
If you clip a healthy plant without asking the owner first, you’re a dick. But if I see you do it at a store, no I didn’t. Cause the store made $2,550,000 while I was typing this.
Are we talking about the 450 square meter store that looks like an industrial warehouse, or the 12 square meter handcrafted-everything boutique?
Cause if it’s the former, I didn’t see you shoplift a whole ass plant and if it’s the latter and I see you clip the tiniest part of a plant, I’m calling you out loudly.
It’s a dick move to pinch leaves if for no other reason that someone else may want to buy that plant, and you’re damaging it. Enough people do it, it’s a dead plant.
Leaves fallen to the floor? Boutique or not, fair game. If you’re willing to propagate from a leaf, you’re probably not going to be buying whole plants anyway, and it doesn’t hurt the store.
Imagine going to the hardware store and someone calls it a fucking “boutique”. It’s just Ace Hardware, calm down. Robert, the guy with the nose ring over there, didn’t really craft that screwdriver by hand, either. Fuckin’ liar. Yeah I’m talking about you, the fuck you gonna do about it? Next time I see you explaining how you ‘create lightbulbs with love’, I’m lighting your car on fire. Don’t think I won’t!
Anyway, what were we - oh yeah. Ace Hardware. Now impeccably posh, I guess.
No one ever did that, they’re talking about a garden center you know where you get plants a hardware store is where you get bits of wood, some spare drain pipe and fork handles.
Yeah. Also I explained it in another comment, but in my country there’s usually two types of places where you can get flowers. Large flower or hardware stores for one, but then the rest are tiny oases of beauty where the owner is also the person selling you the flowers, and have their own handcrafted items for decoration and/or sale, like vases, baskets, etc.
That’s like the farthest thing from a hardware store, even if hardware stores do indeed also sell flowers. But I guess there are places in the world where beautiful small family businesses don’t exist so all you get is Walmart and Ace Hardware and then you think all businesses are giant faceless corporations.
Yeah, we have those in the US too. Not sure why that other commenter seems to think Ace Hardware is the smallest business that sells plants, there are plenty of small nurseries in every state.
Maybe they just live in a really bleak and lifeless small town or something and don’t really explore to find the cool places.
Or a large city… I think you’re actually more likely to find these stores in rural areas.
With mixed usage zoning, large cities can be really great for these actually.
At many places near me, they are a department in the hardware store (big and small).
What Ace hardware? We don’t have those in my country.
There’s exactly two types of flower stores I see around here. The gigantic chains where everything is sterile and the tiny boutiques where either the owner is the only employee, or maybe they have like 1-2 extra employees so they can stay open more than 5x8 and actually take vacations. And yeah, some hardware stores also have flowers, but I’d categorize those together with the former.
Ace is a small form store in the states, typically the size of a modest house or smaller, that sells home improvement stuff. As opposed to mega big-box places that you can get lost in.
This is a proper hardware store. Where you can buy four candles.
Thank you for sharing this bit of culture.
I’m sure this is hysterical. I wish I could understand what they were saying lol
It’s a classic. One of the Two Ronnies’ best. The original hand-written script went for £40,000 at auction.
I mean if you’re pinching a leaf then that’s not in the dubious territory, that’s just straight up stealing. And it’s not like someone is stealing fucking plant leaves to stave off starvation lol