This is a quite a bit of handwringing over what is probably nothing:
- Kids have been playing war, battle, or fighting games during recess since recess started. I guarantee you can spend 1 recess at any school and see at least one set of kids playing some game which is fundamentally violent fantasy.
- As far as exposure - no offense but we are so far off kids never seeing violent imagery.
- But, most importantly, these are also likely a sourced by handful of kids who are teaching other kids to play it that way. That’s what kids do. I can think of several personal memories of my experience in elementary school where “Kid X” taught me something that, in retrospect, that kid probably shouldn’t know yet. The spread of knowledge in children is immensely effective.
My kid knows everything about squid game. She’s11. She’s never seen squid game. She has just heard others talk about it and she’s seen youtubers talk about it. Now she plays those games with friends who have also never seen squid game
Anyone remember red rover?
So many broken collarbones and other injuries. But lots of fun!
Fuck, looking back at that. Yeah that is a brutal game. No wonder I enjoy moshing.
I agree about kids playing, i don’t see a problem, that’s normal. About the parents letting them see it… well it depends on the age, but I would say an 8yo would have nightmares. Although my niece is 3 and she loves everything horror and halloween, she’s a little weirdo
Also: I think it’s waay more plausible that they’ve seen the Mr Beast videos, rather than the original show. Cultural osmosis and all that.
All of the Minecraft YouTubers are doing squid games in Minecraft as a synonym for deadly challenges basically. All the kids talk about squid games now.
So they’re playing regular kids games at recess or they’re murdering each other for money?
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Children playing childrens game at recess, oh the horror!
who the fuck is letting their kids watch squid game?
If in Québec, most of them watched it in French
Why the fuck do kids know about Squid Games in the first place? Fuck you, MrBeast 🖕
That company isn’t the only one that brought it to children. I blame brainrot content-farms.
Why nitpick? They’ve played these games before.
Playing Squid Games in the schoolyard is a step in a positive direction by Québécois standards:
Quebec premier says he wants to stop people from praying in public
I’m a proud atheist but this party is racist af
EDIT: direction 🥲
How would someone even know you’re ‘praying’ in public ynless youre making a spectacle about it? Thats what people dont want in the streets, large public demonstrations that seek to suck in and take advantage of vulnerable people. People know they can go to any of hundreds of churches or religious institutions if they want that sort of thing, but accosting strangers in public with your religion is not appropriate. You wanna sit on a park bench with yojr eyes closed and talk to god in your head, no one is going to stop you though.
After seeing all the things religious organisations do when you give them an inch, I’m not against a hard stance. Public prayer is a form of proselytization. Last summer, I saw jehovas witnesses with a booth at my local park, praying together and accosting any teenager that walked by.
It might seem harsh but I doubt Quebec has any organisations banning lgbtq books. Fuck religion.
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Do people watch stuff for adults dubbed?
I find subtiles distracting
I read the words that pop up on the screen in my own voice in my head and basically ignore the voices because I can not understand them anyways.
I enjoyed Death Note in dubbed
I enjoyed Alice in Boarderlands in subbed, dubbed was bad
I’m split on Money Heist. My friend showed me it in English and I watched the whole first episode without realizing it was dubbed. Trying to watch it subbed after that was like the characters were not speaking the language I thought they did. It was weird.
I can see some people hating the lips not matching up, but I don’t really look at.
Maybe if I was big into subbed shows I’d like them more and I’m sure I’d get better at enjoying subtitles.
But I am the kind of person that would want to rewind a movie or show because I didn’t understand what a character said. I hate feeling like I am missing important information.
I watched it subbed the first time, per my preference. When I’ve rewatched it with family and friends, often they prefer dubs or we wanted to do other things at the same time which made dubs easier.
Having gone through both options twice, I can confidently say that while the essence is still the same (it’s still the same show at the end of the day), the experiences are vastly different
I just didn’t know adults did that in other places. Here it’s just for kids
I choose to watch dubbed with sub captions. You often get two different translation attempts that way and I think between the two i occasionally pick some some nuance i may have missed had I only received the sub or dub translation alone.
After almost 30 years of anime and foreign content watching, I have consumed tons of content subbed and tons of content dubbed, and still regularly watches subbed content for huge amounts of no-dub content out there, and have concluded that dub + sub is the overall best experience for me by far.
That being said. I don’t personally care how any other person consumes their content. If you want subs, that’s cool. If you want dubs, that’s cool too. But I’m sorry, all you anti-dub folks, you are not cooler, better, or smarter for listening to voices in a language you don’t understand. It’s a preference. It’s fine to prefer subs, but it genuinely does not make you or your experience superior.
Edit: typo
Yeah. If I wanted to read I’d pick up a book.
Uncultured rubes do.
I suspect that a huge portion of Americans do not have the reading skill to keep up with subtitles. Subtitles make them feel stupid, so they won’t watch em.
Not just Quebec. Kindergarteners are playing red light green light and think it’s called squid game.
Dub watchers are either German (they love dubbing the fuck out of everything) or English speakers (they’re not used to not having content in their native language so subtitles distract them)