If Batman were a realistic Billionaire, he’d buy Wikipedia to “set the record straight”.
Even if he bathes every day, can you imagine how sweaty that suit must get? He probably does smell like a gym bag.
Really seals in the flavor
I always thought “Robin laid an egg” was wordplay for “Robin farted”, especially because it comes after “Batman smells”.
Robin farted
That’s how they translated it in French so I guess you’re right
ladyBatman doth protest too much, methinks.Joker is never ‘safely’ behind bars, and that’s a flaw of Batman but what keeps legacy villains around. Legacy villains are as important as the heroes.
Funny meme!
https://youtu.be/V5u9JSnAAU4 Relevant Tom Scott
So I take it the bells also do not jingle? :-P
You’re correct. And also, Batman smells AMAZING.
If guano smells amazing, then YES!
Love it. Hmmm guaaah-nooo
That’s not very good for your skin, Bru- Batsy.
Yes but how does he gets his batsuits cleaned without giving away his identity, I doubt its cold wash only.
But does he jingon Bell’s?
I have it on good authority that Batman has burrito-breath.