Aren’t the libs just celebrating that their faces are being eaten? Or whatever…
Would you like to explain how that relates to the leopards-eating-faces metaphor, or are you just throwing out random phrases in the hopes that you’ll sound more convincing?
Shhh the libs are circlejerking over their genocide. Let them circlejerk themselves into the camps. Only after experiencing suffering for the first time in their life do they have any hope of abandoning liberalism and right wing ideology in general.
Shhh the libs are circlejerking over their genocide. Let them circlejerk themselves into the camps. Only after experiencing suffering for the first time in their life do they have any hope of abandoning liberalism and right wing ideology in general.
“Once they’re in the death camps, they’ll finally convert to The One True Faith” - People who are Very Serious Leftists, Totally Guys
It’s what you voted for and what your elected leaders did.
You know, it’s usually considered good form to at least vaguely relate to reality when discussing politics; that you’re not doing so is really quite… concerning.
Liberalism is a right-wing ideology that’s largely responsible for breeding fascism. That’s a big part of why these politicians are so comfortable working together.
beating up jews… while young republicans, arab, and latino americans voted for donald trump in larger numbers than have ever voted for any Republican candidate before in history… support of leftists protesting jews in favor of islamofascist terrorists.
gEnOsiDe JoEEEeeeeeeeeeeee
Solidarity with Palestine is non-negotiable, but no solidarity allowed for Ukraine or American LGBT folk (they deserve the genocide, obviously /s)
Or any other marginalized USians. Screw those ********, obvs.
Aren’t the libs just celebrating that their faces are being eaten? Or whatever…
Would you like to explain how that relates to the leopards-eating-faces metaphor, or are you just throwing out random phrases in the hopes that you’ll sound more convincing?
Imagine believing that genocide joe showed any solidarity to anybody.
“This will teach that criminal, Joe Biden!” [sends LGBT Americans to camps and massacres Ukrainian civilians]
Good job. Really showed those Dem elites.
Shhh the libs are circlejerking over their genocide. Let them circlejerk themselves into the camps. Only after experiencing suffering for the first time in their life do they have any hope of abandoning liberalism and right wing ideology in general.
“Once they’re in the death camps, they’ll finally convert to The One True Faith” - People who are Very Serious Leftists, Totally Guys
You guys built the camps, you’re mad that now you’ll also be targeted. Too bad so sad hope you don’t build camps next time.
Yes, you caught us, the Liberal Agenda was to create death camps in America all along.
It’s what you voted for and what your elected leaders did. You people keep saying intent doesn’t matter.
You know, it’s usually considered good form to at least vaguely relate to reality when discussing politics; that you’re not doing so is really quite… concerning.
A voTE foR hARRis iS a VOTe fOr GeNOcidE, JuSt VoTe ThiRd PaRTy!!! I’m SuRE theYLL wIn tHis TimE!
iF wE dOn’T LeT tRuMp WiN, tHeY’Ll nEvaR LeArnt!
Keep finger wagging at a small demographic that didn’t cause you to lose, I’m sure that’s the solution
Imagine believing #2 is a new policy. Peak lib delusions.
Damnable Libz!! Lets shewt 'em!! hyuk!
Well yeah I think supporting genocide and constantly joking about it is disgusting. That’s all y’all have to offer.
Well that I agree with.“Lib” I can do without.Oh I see you edited it. Nevermind then.
Liberalism is a right-wing ideology that’s largely responsible for breeding fascism. That’s a big part of why these politicians are so comfortable working together.
Goodness, is there any evil in the world the liberals aren’t responsible for?
I still have no idea who they’re talking about. Are these lefty Aussie cunts?
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Damn. That’s a pretty hard take on it. I don’t think you’re wrong as such, though I might suggest it’s a bit more nuanced than that.
Maybe not too much more though.
Yikes imagine believing this wacky zio “reverse racism.” Genocidal fash delusions.