Social decorum was developed alongside our growing minds. In the absence of the triggers of sight, sound, smell, and touch, people are generally apathetic to the needs and wants of others. Anonymity was not something that our innately social brains were bred for and the monkey at the center of the human psyche is exposed through it.
Interesting aside. The word removed is derived from the Latin fasces. Which was a ceremonial weapon carried by the preatorian guard. Which is where the term fascism also is derived.
Basically what I’m saying is, nazis are the faggots, not homosexuals.
Social decorum was developed alongside our growing minds. In the absence of the triggers of sight, sound, smell, and touch, people are generally apathetic to the needs and wants of others. Anonymity was not something that our innately social brains were bred for and the monkey at the center of the human psyche is exposed through it.
we must return to monke
Chimps together strong!
Interesting aside. The word removed is derived from the Latin fasces. Which was a ceremonial weapon carried by the preatorian guard. Which is where the term fascism also is derived.
Basically what I’m saying is, nazis are the faggots, not homosexuals.