Queen the band sucks. I don’t get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples:
Another One Bites the Dust
- Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer.
We Will Rock You
- Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame.
We Are the Champions
- Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. “No time for losers”? Okay, Donald Trump.
Bicycle Race
- I don’t even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds.
Somebody to Love
- Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It’s cringe.
I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury’s unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can’t like the music.
I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone’s freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I’m not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.
I also respect your freedom to like what you want, but also also
Upvoted because it’s unpopular.
The artist has perfectly captured the feline character when being scolded here: annoyed, defeated…but utterly incapable of shame or remorse.
Love this meme.
deleted by creator
To be fair, if someone listens to the six best known songs by a band and only likes one of them, it’s no surprise they wouldn’t bother digging into the catalogue further
Anyone looking to dive into a Queen album, might I recommend A Night at the Opera?
I regret that I have but only one upvote to give.
Rule 4: Shitposts and memes are allowed
This post stays up.
This isn’t an “unpopular opinion”, this is outrage bait.
Well, The show must go on…
That puts them a bit under pressure
Wow, what an absolutely horrible take.
I love Queen, but (with the exception of Somebody To Love) I feel like you’ve picked out the worst and most overplayed Queen songs. If you’re open to seeing why folks like them so much, I’d suggest the following (in my order of preference):
- Under Pressure
- I Want To Break Free
- Radio Gaga
- Stone Cold Crazy
- Killer Queen
- Crazy Little Thing Called Love
- You’re My Best Friend
- Don’t Stop Me Now
- Who Wants To Live Forever
There’s a pretty good mix in there. Some are more operatic than others. Some go pretty hard.
Who Wants To Live Forever
This was always one of my favorites, and perfect in The Highlander
Totally agree, that’s how I was first introduced to it.
I’d add Seven Seas of Rhye to that list.
It’s also wild to me how many of the most played Queen songs are among their least interesting.
The songs that become popular aren’t the “best”, they’re the ones that cater to the biggest audiences. That often makes them a bit more bland and “safe”
My late best friend was a big fan of “I’m Going Slightly Mad” and he would sing it to himself probably a bit too much.
No Hammer to Fall? Do you even Queen, bro?
You’re so right. I also just realized that I forgot One Vision as well.
-I’m in love with my car
-Death on two legsSorry radio gaga is kinda bad. Killee queen is straight fire though.
I just don’t understand how you could describe them as dry?
Like, in my mind if you were to criticise them it would be that they’re too over the top. They’ve got punchy vocals, in your face solos, and most of the songs you listed are stadium rock.
There’s a bravado and flamboyance to everything they do, so it’s kinda supposed to be corny and fun. Not all music needs to be sad and have deep meaning, sometimes you need to let loose.
I just don’t understand how you could describe them as dry?
To answer your question as written, yes: you apparently don’t understand, as supported by the paragraph that followed this one. And that’s okay: I don’t understand either, for instance.
Not liking something and that something “sucking” is not the same thing.
I don’t like Walking Dead. It doesn’t catch my interest I find it formulaic repetitive and downright mean.
But it’s a good show. It’s incredibly well made. The acting is fantastic. The production is fantastic.
Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
It’s bad tho
Not sure if you mean Queen or The Walking Dead
The walking dead is bad, like really bad.
Queen is really good in small doses !
As many others have pointed out, you list a lot of their radio hits that I suppose can be overplayed and have become cliche in a way. But BORING? I will have to draw the line there. That music is nothing if not lively and full of spirit. Usually doing something unique with it’s themes and style.
Don’t tell me you are bored by Fat Bottomed Girls and Killer Queen?
You’re entitled to your wrong opinion
Choosing their most radio-friendly songs and ignoring everything else? Yeah nah.
Any deep cuts you can recommend?
Spread your wings
It’s a hard life
These are the days of our lives
Doing alright
You take my breath away
All dead, all dead
Save me
Cool cat
Is this the world we created
Don’t try so hard
Keep yourself alive
Seven seas of Rhye
Brighton rock
Whew, scrolled way too long thinking no one else enjoyed Brighton Rock
I was going to argue with you, but then I remembered I think Bruce Springsteen is overrated and boring.
Oh god, “The Boss” is downright fucking awful, I thought so in 1985, still do today.
He’s like the worst of the juvenile blue-collar, chip-on-his-shoulder, “I’m deep”.
And I grew up in blue-collar country, most aren’t like that.
I think sometimes some artists need a guide - I didn’t care much for Springsteen until someone lent me We Shall Overcome, based on folk working songs and mythology from Appalachians.
And then I’ve heard Tom Morello introduce a few of Springsteen’s songs with some socio-political context on his radio show and enjoyed them more with that insight.
Maybe since I grew up in blue collar world he always struck me as trying too hard. Then again, my peers and older siblings seemed to like him. Hard to explain, I guess.
As he himself says, he writes songs about the working man, but has never held the job in his life.
However I did go to see him this summer for the first time. The cheesy Rock Icon bit is tedious, but by the middle of the show I was enjoying myself. He really is an excellent showman.
Gonna play two chords
Gonna sing real hoarse
Gonna brush my teeth and wipe my butt
An I’m gonna say! …
This ones for you[18 bars of rhythm guitar]
Got me a band
Everybody knows how to play
Gonna drive em crazy
Cuz we’re gonna just keep on playing this same hook over two chords for four and a half minutes!
This ones for youSax solo
[Repeat first verse and fade out]
That’s also my Springsteen take
This just looks like a 14 year old trying to shit on older music to sound cool. I get it’s bait and all, but it was kinda boring, standard internet vapor.
The trump reference really sank it.
Agreed. Trolling in this post is mid.
I like how even in a post like this, “Bohemian Rhapsody” is immune.
Including it would eliminate ALL doubt that this is a baitpost.
I like Queen as much as any person but I can understand some do the complaints in this post. But I would LOVE to hear some complaints about Bohemian Rhapsody. Even when I was too young to understand music I was like “this is a mastapiece”
But I would LOVE to hear some complaints about Bohemian Rhapsody.
Wish granted. It’s a haphazard mish-mash of two potentially-good songs and one frantic pile of word salad, resulting in a scattered, inconsistent mess.
I applaud the effort, but try and make it more believable next time
I basically just described my actual thoughts about the song, though. The opening is a banger, the part from “I see a little silhouetto of a man” to “Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me” is kind of a mess, then it goes to a bit that sounds like it should have been the opener of a third song, before finally finishing on something that actually matches the style of the first bit. The whole thing is a weird patchwork that somehow became a hit.
It isn’t a patchwork though, it’s just not structured as a typical rock/pop-rock/pop song. Mercury borrowed ideas and stylings from opera for it’s structure. And the part that you say is “kind of a mess” isn’t a mess, it just switches between even and odd meters. It does that to try and put the listener off-balance, sure, but that’s intentional.
I don’t like queen and I hate that stupid song every time I hear it somewhere I cringe. Blows my mind how it’s considered a masterpiece or even good. This is not rage bait. I listen to basically every genre but this song is overrated and silly af.